Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Closed Lacunae, Restricted Collarette & Radii Solaris


a) Major rays emanating from the outer edge of the IPB to the ciliary zone at 6', 27', 45' and 66' relates to emotional stress, headache, loss of concentration, poor blood circulation, stomach disturbances and Time Risk consideration.
b) Double closed lacunae attached on the border of the collarette indicate cardiovascular stress.
c) Constricted collarette at the ventral section of the collarette, may concern with poor digestion and peristalsis, gastrointestinal disturbances and introvert behaviour.
d) The attached of the closed lacunae at the constricted collarette of 150' and 182' suggests potential stress in prostate and adrenal fatigue.
e) Crypt located at the border of the collarette possible relate to maxillary sinuses..

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