Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Local Absence, Indented & Linear of the Collarette


a) An indentation of the collarette toward to the edge of the IPB at 80' manifest a multidimensional  explanation of :
- Time Risk at the age and potential traumatic experienced of 46.5
- Embryological of spleen deficiency and thyroid disturbances.
- Emotionally concern with memory problem..
- DHS relate to coronaries condition..
- Classical approach to descending colon disturbances.
b) Linear collarette at 155' to 250' indicate tendency to hypoglycaemia.
c) Local absence of the collarette at 275' to 330', pay attention to the adjacent organs which attached to the humoral zone or the border of the collarette, such as thyroid, heart and pancreas are to be concerned. Please refer to the con-current embryological sign of thyroid, DHS sign of heart ( indented collarette) and linear collarette at the ventral section..

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