Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pupil Tonus & IPB Analysis

Rx-IPB - General Hyperthrophic of the IPB structure, Local Absence of the IPB, Pupil Flatness at Medial Nasal section and Constricted Collarette

a) Sectional absence of the IPB structure relates to Space Risk 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and  Medial Nasal Flatness - 68'~92'. The Space Risk analysis indicates potential of heart, lung, gall bladder, liver and gastrointestinal disturbances. The flattening of the Medial Nasal relates to breathing problem and thyroid gland imbalance.
b) Squared IPB located in the ventral section of the IPB structure indicate thyroid dysfunction, genetic history of hypothyroidism.
c) & d) Local hyperthrophy/Nuorolappen or Introflession of the IPB structure- 250' & 270' tendencies to stress, tension, anxiety, depression and nervous sensitivities emotional imbalance. The local introflession of the IPB relates to Space Risk 16 & 12 indicates adrenal fatigue and fatty liver involvement.
e) Double IPB structure indicates emotional imbalance in nervous and anxiety stress condition.

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