Sunday, September 11, 2011

Indentation of the Collarette adjacent to the local IPB - Multidimensional Analysis- (saro)

Indentation of the collarette-Rx toward to the local double IPB (d1+d2)-278' manifest multilevel of interpretation :

a) Time Risk at 13.5 concern with suffering a profound loss, suppression of emotional expression, anger and resentment, deep sense of injustice at this specific age.
b) Classical view concern with predisposition to heart disease, cardiovascular risk, ascending colon disturbances.
c) Embryological view as inheritance of thyroid dysfunction.
d) Gastrointestinal disturbances, coronaries stress - DH analysis
e) Concern with Dendritic Cells.
f) Space Risk 11 at 278' indicate gall bladder insufficiency.
g) IPB Morphologies - Double IPB relate to anxiety, stress and tendency to nervous condition due to the experience of bullying in childhood possible at the age of 13.5 !

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