Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Dynamics of the Collarette - (noor)

Rx, Male, 44

1) Medial Nasal Flatness - lung stress and tendency to asthma problem
2) A local absence of the collarette at 30' ~ 120' - indicate digestive and absorption disturbances, consider the adjacent topographical area of the organs and glands - pancreas, thyroid, thymus and bronchials.


1) Local absence of the collarette - 250' ~ 320' tendencies to have bronchials, thyroid, thymus, pancreas and heart problems.
2) Linear vertical of the collarette - 165' ~ 240'
3) Degenerative double crypts located inside and border of the collarette -150' potential of testes, prostate, kidneys and duodenum disturbances.
4) Indented collarette at 130' - suggests liver stress, sigmoid colon deficiency and unresolved emotional issue of betrayal, traumatic event happened at 38.

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