Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Dynamics of the Collarette - Multidimensional Approaches - (cam/habi)


Penetration of the lacuna at the collarette of 155' indicates :
a) Ovarian disturbances, possible ovarian cysts.
b) Urinary bladder insufficiency.
c) Concern with gastrointestinal disturbances.
d) Conflict of identity, fear of repression, expression.
e) Time Risk at 35, emotionally vulnerable time, time of emotional challenge, experience of betrayal, depression, suppression of anger or suffering a loss..


1) Indentation of the collarette at 205' and 70' indicates :
a) Potential deficiency in prostate, spleen, blood sugar imbalance and heart problem.
b) Time Risk at 28 and 48.
c) Possible concern with sexual expression, conflict of family issues.
2) Local absence of the collarette - 235'~285' attention to the adjacent topographic of pancreas, lung and heart reflex areas.

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