Friday, September 30, 2011

Local Absence & Hypertrophy of the IPB - 2 - (raga)

Lx,IPB, Male

1) Local hyperthrophy of the inner pupillary border at 180', 200' and 310' relates to Spcae Risk 26, 25 & 6 indicates as explained previous post-1-(raga), Rx-IPB ( SP26 & 25) and possible muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
2) Local and sectional absence of the inner pupillary border at 230', 330' to 350' relates to Space Risk 19, 4, 3 & 2 indicates gastrointestinal disturbances, rhinitis, face related problem and sinusitis.

(Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Space Risk)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Local Hypertrophy of the IPB in Ventral Section - 155'~180'-1- (raga)

Rx-IPB, Male

Local hyperthrophy of the inner pupillary border relates to the Space Risk signs. The Space Risk of 24, 25 & 26 indicates deficiencies in lower extremities, joint pains - hip, hemorrhoids and sigmoid diverticulosis. (Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Space Risk )



1) Mydriasis with atrophy of the IPB structure.
2) Mydriasis relates to adrenal exhausation and fatigue.
3) Emotional swing and receptive to external influences.

Local Absence of the IPB in Frontal Section

Local absence of the IPB at 330' in frontal section relate to Space Risk 4...

Crypts & Closed Lacuna


1) Crypts located at 230' & 270' indicates potential of gall bladder idsturbances and lung stress.
2) Closed lacuna located at 80' indicate bronchitis problem. The patient was a smoker...


1) Crypts at 45', 50' 60' & 140' indicates potential indigestion, lymphatic node congestion, blood sugar imbalance, testical and kidney deficiency.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Local Absence of the IPB Structure - (mah)


The local absence of the IPB structure at 275', 305' & 335' normally relates to the Space Risk Analysis. The Space Risk of 12, 7 and 4 indicates liver stress involvement, potential thyroid dysfunction and rhinitis problem.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pupil Tonus & IPB Analysis

Rx-IPB - General Hyperthrophic of the IPB structure, Local Absence of the IPB, Pupil Flatness at Medial Nasal section and Constricted Collarette

a) Sectional absence of the IPB structure relates to Space Risk 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and  Medial Nasal Flatness - 68'~92'. The Space Risk analysis indicates potential of heart, lung, gall bladder, liver and gastrointestinal disturbances. The flattening of the Medial Nasal relates to breathing problem and thyroid gland imbalance.
b) Squared IPB located in the ventral section of the IPB structure indicate thyroid dysfunction, genetic history of hypothyroidism.
c) & d) Local hyperthrophy/Nuorolappen or Introflession of the IPB structure- 250' & 270' tendencies to stress, tension, anxiety, depression and nervous sensitivities emotional imbalance. The local introflession of the IPB relates to Space Risk 16 & 12 indicates adrenal fatigue and fatty liver involvement.
e) Double IPB structure indicates emotional imbalance in nervous and anxiety stress condition.

IPB Morphologies - M, U & Wave Shaped of IPB Structure

a) M Shaped of IPB structure.
b) U Shaped of IPB structure.
c) Wave Shaped of IPB structure.

Inner Pupillary Lacunae, Bridge Collarette & Melanin Pigment - (tgl)

Rx-Lx, Female

a) Closed lacunae at 67', 73', 135' & 160' embryologically relates to spleen, adrenals, ovarian and cervix disturbances.
b) Bridge colllarette at 88'~116'
c) Melanin pigment topolabile located at the spleen reflex zone - 130' suggest spleen deficiency.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Local Introflession of the IPB

Local introflession of the IPB structure- 238' relate to Space Risk sign..

Indentation, Protrusion Collarette & Embryological Signs - (tsb)

Lx-iris, Female

a) Embyological structural signs at 60', 70 & 85' predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, spleen and adrenal deficiency, thyroid stress. Closed lacuna at 187' relate to cervix disturbances.
b) Time Risk at 170' with indentation of the collarette, classical tendency to cervix stress, embrylogical relate to uterus disturbance, possible cyst.
c) Extroflession of the collarette - 140', attention to sigmoid colon..

Emotional Aspects of Pancreas

a) Emotional issues of betrayal, uncertainty, integration of love and sexuality. (John Andrews)
b) Negative thought and emotion of grief and sadness. (Dr.David Pesek)
c) Loss of libido and creativity, tiredness of thought. (Dr.Daniele Lo Rito)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Melanin Pigment located nearest to the IPB


The melanin pigment located at the pupillary zone and nearest to the inner pupillary border, embryologically  relates to spleen and vitamin, mineral deficiencies.

Cardiovascular Risk & Fatty Liver


a) Heart lacuna - b) Lipemic Diathesis - c) Brown pigment : Liver stress with poor fat metabolism.