Sunday, August 21, 2011

Solitary Pigment Granulation inside the Pupillary Zone


1) Minor ray emanate from the border collarette to ciliary zone - 325' tendency to hearing problem.
2) Solitary brown pigment located inside the pipillary zone - 60' suggest pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar irregularity.
3) Minor ray at the border of the collarette - 155' potential of prostate deficiency.
4) Minor ray at the border of rthe collarette - 225' potential of gall bladder insufficiency.
5) Closed lacuna attached on the collarette - 260' potential of cardiovascular problem.


1) Solitary brown pigment located in the inner pupillary zone - 90' suggest kidney disturbances and possible will be experiencing in pain condition.
2) Crypt at the inside border of the collarette - 142' embryologically indicate to kidney deficiency.
The solitary brown pigment appeared in both iris of the inner pupillary zone highlighting the importance embryological sign which might be negative impact on the organs of  pancreas (60') and kidney (90'). Further medical examination is recommended !

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