Saturday, August 20, 2011

Phytobiophysics Vs Multidimensional Iridology Analysis - (ssc) - 1

Male, Age: 62, Born:12/Dec/1949, Self-employed businessman.

Complaints - Insomnia problem, restless, feeling of low energy, lack of stamina, muscular pain, easy to hot temper, anxiety, stress and tension, loss of confidence in various aspects, recalled that regretted on exam failed during secondary school, at age 13 !

a) Heart Lock Analysis :

Historical data :
Date visited - 12/8/11 : Tricuspid / Mental/ Mitral
Date visited - 16/8/11 : Tricuspid / Emotional/ Pulmonary
Date visited - 19/8/11 : Tricuspid / Mental / Mitral

1) Tricuspid Constitution ( Heart Lock 1) - relates to :
a) Masculine figures, problems or the traumatic events related to father - The client claimed that he has no issue with his father.
b) Inherited disorders - potential of miasm, congenital weakness-RNA
c) Concerns with his spiritual relationship.
d) The first quarter of his life - 62/4 = 15.5.
e) Manifest generally in the head and center nervous system, cerebellum, skull, vision problem.
f)  Avoid acid base food.
2) Journey - Mental - relates to :
a) Prodisposition to organs weaknesses -
* Liver, gall bladder, stomach and duodenum disturbances.
* Pancreas dysfunction.
* kidney and adrenal insufficiency.
b) Connected with the pulmonary valve.
c) Connected to the mind. Mentality, thinking and education.
d) If hurt mentally it will manifest physically in the body.
3) Definition - Mitral - relates to :
a) Emotional crisis, depression.
b) Also concern with motherhood, female.
4) HFs required for Tricuspid /Heart Lock 1: HF 1,3,4,12,15 - 3 times/day
-- HF 1 : Governor meridian, miasm harmoniser, cater for spiritual trauma.
 - HF 3 : Headache, migraine, calming effect on the brain and nervous system, nervous tension , irritated emotion.
 - HF 4 : Tricuspid constitution formula.Insomnia, dreams, nightmares, restlessness.
 - HF 12 : Liver, anxiety, cholesterol, gall bladder, fear, anxiety and anger.
 - HF 15 : Pancreas, blood sugar level, mood swings, depression, fragility.
5) Heart Lock Journey Analysis :
Traumatic events happened at the aged of 4.85, 13.65 & 39.25.

b) Jump Leading Treatment :
1) 12/8/11 - HF5 - Emotional testing
2) 16/8/11 - HF5 - Emotional testing
3) 19/8/11 - Sig, SO and CC point - Strong - no need for treatment.

The Heat Lock findings will be re-examined by applying Multidimensional Iridology....




1) Major radial furrow emanate from the border collarette to ciliary zone - 0' typical of hypothalamus stress, incurred emotional imbalance, tendency to have headache, migraine, insomnia, fragility, brain fatigue, stress sensitivity, low nerve energy and vitality. - HF 1,3,4
2) Radial furrow at 40' tendency to have frontal sinus problem.
3) Small ray at 55' suggest relate to pancreas dysfunction, tendency to have blood sugar imbalance.-HF 15
4) Crypt at 83' suggest thyroid imbalance.
6) Deep radial furrow/ ray penetrate the pupillary border at 165' indicate kidney deficiency.
7) Minor deep ray at the reflex zone of  gall bladder - 220' potential of gall bladder insufficiency. -HF 12
8) Minor ray at 295' suggest pancreas sign, tendency to have blood sugar imbalance.
9) Radial furrow located at 310' represent pancreas dysfunction, irregularity of blood sugar.
10) Deep radial furrow at 337' indicates stress in cerebellum.
11) Minor short ray inside the pupillary zone- 350' indicate pituitary stress.


1) Minor ray at 20' & 35' indicates maxillary sinus and mastoid stress.
2) Crypts at the reflex zone of aorta - 83' potential of cardiovascular risk.
3) Dark brown pigment attached in the iris limbus covered by cholesterol ring - 140' indicate liver involvement, poor fat metabolism.
4) Closed lacuna in the ciliary zone - 165' suggest stress in pelvis.
5) Minor ray at 180' indicate adrenal stress and fatigue.
6) Crypt in the ciliary zone- 200' suggest kidney stress.
7) Open lacuna at 240' indicate pancreas sign.
8) Defect marking at 322' suggest sinus problem.
9) Minor ray at 350' indicate pituitary stress.

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