Wednesday, August 24, 2011

IPB & Collarette - (sha)


Triangle sign of the frontal IPB structure - tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances and liver deficiency.


1) Radial furrow at the frontal brain zone- 353' indicate hypothalamus stress.
2) Crypts located inside border of the collarette - 40' indicate stomach disturbances.
3) Closed lacuna inside the border of the collarette - 300' suggest stress in larynx.

Local hyperthrophy of the frontal IPB structure.

1) Deep radial furrow at the frontal of the brain zone- 10' suggest hypothalamus and pineal stress.
2) Closed lacuna inside the pupillary zone - 90' suggests possible of thyroid and kidney deficiency.
3) Radial furrow at 340' indicate limbic system compromised.

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