Monday, August 22, 2011

Emotional Impacts & Dynamics on Penetration & Indentation of the Collarette - 140' - Time Risk Sign - (lwh)

Rx, Female, 41- Multidimensional Approches :

1) Penetration of the closed lacuna to the inner pupillary zone - 230' :
* Potential of gall bladder disturbances - Classical approach
* Pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance - Embryological approach
* 1st traumatic event was happened at the age of 22. Deep seated unresolved emotional issues with anger and resentment, bitterness, suppression of expression - Time Risk approach

2) Penetration with indented collarette intervention by closed lacuna - 140' :
* Potential of urinary bladder insufficiency - Classical approach
* 2nd traumatic event was happened at the age of 38. Issue of betrayal.

3) Loosening fibers structure in the kidney reflexive zone suggest an emotional issues of forgiveness, unforgiven of someone betrayed and hurting her in deep friendship......that she claimed the incident was happened in the past of two and a half years ago...

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