Saturday, August 27, 2011

Archeology, Hyperthrophy IPB, Linear Collarette, Straight Beak Lacuna - (bala)

1) Overall hyperthrophic of the frontal IPB structure.
2) IPB Archeology - Snake (80%, at the frontal section of the IPB)

Rx, Male, 70

1) Minor ray in the frontal brain zone of 5' suggest hypothalamus stress.
2) Internal crypts inside the pupillary zone - 50' suggest stomach disturbances.
3) Crypt co-sign with radial furrow at 68' classical and embryological indicate blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction.
4) Linear formation at the medial nasal section of the collarette.
5) Crypt located inside border of the collarette - 230' embryological of pancreas dysfunction.
6) Internal closed lacuna located at the protrusion wreath - 295' suggest potential stress in larynx/pharynx. In addition, classical aspect relate to blood sugar imbalance.
7) Internal crypt co-sign with minor ray at 335' suggest relate to maxillary sinus.

Straight beak lacuna attached and penetrate to the border of the collarette in the ventral section of the kidney reflex zone which indicate as a serious sign, a higher risk of intestinal malignancy , suggest for coloscopy checking !

a) A thickened ccholesterol ring in the limbus zone suggest poor fat metabolism, possible fatty liver and pay attention to heart condition.
b) Heart lacuna attached on the collarette accompanied by the lipemic diathesis, a high risk of heart disease.
c) Sign of ophthalmological operation.

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