Monday, August 15, 2011

Frontal Arcus, Radial Furrows & Constricted Collarette-(jan)


Radial Furrows radiate from the constricted border of the collarette to the ciliary zone. Frontal arcus indicate potential poor blood circulation to the brain.

1) 4' - suggest hypothalamus stress, time risk sign, predisposition to headache, insomnia, lozs of concentration, low vitality and nerve energy. Medulla oblongata stress, survival issue.
2) 27' - Tendency to have frontal sinus problem.
3) 349' - Pituitary and pineal stress.
4) 327' - Crypt at the reflex zone of mastoid. Predisposition to heart stress.

Constricted collarette - suggest sluggishness and constipationof the intestine. Introvert, self contained and inward looking.

Lx, radial furrows emanate in the brain reflexive zone

1) 0' - Time risk sign, major in hypothalamus stress. Predisposition to negative emotion and possible breathing problem.
2) 16' - Pineal, pituitary and limbic system compromised, potential to oesophagus stress.
3) 30' - Genetically tendency to heart stress or family history heart problem, tonsil and breathing problem.
4) 343' - Paranasal sinuses.
5) 210' - Pancreas sign, family history tendency to blood sugar imbalance.

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