Monday, August 29, 2011

Extroflession, Morphology, Melanin Pigment, Indentation Collarette, Radii Solaris - (ruh)

Extroflession of the IPB structure relate to Space Risk analysis :
1) 90' - Space Risk 12 - Liver disturbances, poor fat metabolism.
2) 250' - Space Risk 16 - Adrenals stress and fatigue.
3) 315' - Space Risk 6 - Muscular tension in neck and shoulder.


1) Radial furrows located in the frontal brain section, the ray emanate from the collarette border to the ciliary zone :
a) 0', 23', 35', 295', 315' & 340' - indicates potential of hypothalamus stress, limbic system compromised, frontal sinusitis, lung stress, cerebellum disturbances.
2) Radial furrows located in the ventral section emanate, the ray emanate from the border collarette to ciliary zone :
b) 135', 160', 180' 215' &  245' - indicates possible of blood sugar imbalance, stress in uterus, adrenal fatigue, ovarian disturbances, pancreas insufficiency.
3) Stress Axis - 0' & 180' - hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal axis.
4) Time Risk : 140' & 245' -
a) Indented collarette by radial furrow 245' - time risk at 20.
b) Indented collarette by penetrated by closed lacuna 140' - bladder insufficiency , time risk at 36.5.
5) Brown pigment located inside the pupillary zone - 15' suggest pituitary stress.
6) Brown pigment topolabile located in the ciliary zone - 223' indicate liver disturbances. Please refer to Space Risk 12, cholesterol ring in the limbus.
7) Crypts located inside the border of the collarette - 285' concern with thyroid.

IPB Morphologies - Heart Sign - tendency to fibromyalgia.


1) Radial furrows at 347', 337', 330' 285', 220', 184', 160' and 125' indicates pituitary stress, limbic system compromised, frontal sinus, bronchitis, bladder deficiency, adrenal fatigue and cervix stress.
2) Closed lacuna at 35' relate to breathing difficulties.
3) Brown pigment topolabile located at 337' indicates livers disturbances and  stress in thalamus.

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