Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Embryological & IPB Morphologies- (lal)

Rx, Female, 57

1) Indented collarette at 55' suggest Time Risk sign and adjacent to the organ of pancreas.
2) Internal crypts - 70', 90' , 105' suggests disturbances in small intestine, ileum.
3) Crypt attached on the collarette - 140' & 157' indicate potential of urinary bladder deficiency and uterus stress.
4) Crypt at 180' with indentation of mthe collarette - 180' suggest hypothalamus, kidney and adrenal deficiency.
5) Semi-open lacuna with loose iris fibers structure - 200' relate pelvis stress.
6) Closed lacuna located inside the pupillary zone - 220' potential of duodenum disturbances.
7) Closed lacuna at the ciliary zone - 280' relate to lung function.
8) Crypt seated on the border of the pupillary border - 325' relate to heart stress.

a) Globular IPB sign.
b) Normal IPB structure.
c) Space Risk 2 at 347'.

1) Cat's Claw Sign - An external curvature !

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