Thursday, August 25, 2011

Classical & Embryological - Humoral & Collarette Zone Analysis - (monir)

Rx, Male,41

1) Defect markings at 10' & 20' indicates limbic system compromised, emotional imbalance and possible paranasal sinus problem.
2) Defect marking and crypts at 50',52', 65' and 75' suggests tonsillitis, blood sugar imbalance and potential of thyroid dysfunction ( defect marking at the humoral zone of 75'). Please refer to the post of : Solitary local Absence of the IPB (monir) - 308'/Space Risk 7.
3) Rarefaction of the iris fibers structure at the reaction field of bronchial - 90'.
4) Inner pupillary and ciliary zone of closed lacuna - 140' & 165' indicates potential bladder problem and kidney disturbances.
5) Inner pupillary lacunae - 225', 285', 295' 305' and 320' embryological view as possible of blood sugar imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, stress in layrnx/pharynx,  potential of liver and heart stress.
6) Defect markings at the ciliary zone - 290' & 313' indicates possible lung stress and lymph node congestion.


1) Inner edge of pupillary lacuna - 35' &n70 ' suggests heart stress, cardiovascular problem and possible spleen deficiency and adrenal fatigue.
2) Closed lacuna at outside border of the collarette - 95' indicate heart disease, cardiovascular risk and checking of lung condition.
3) Internal lacunae - 130', 145' suggests liver stress and kidney insufficiency.
4) Rarefaction of the iris fibers in the kidney zone indicate low resiliency and poor reaction to disease.
5) Semi open lacuna happened in prostate area.
6) Internal crypts with loose iris fibers and bridge collarette formation - 220', 235' 280', 290' & 305' suggests disturbances in reflexive areas of  ileum. Gastrointestional disturbances or intestinal dybiosis.

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