Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Family Genetic Structural Signs - 1 - (haf)

Rx, Male, 13 - 1st Brother

a) Brown patches with ring formation in the sclera surrounding the rim of the iris, the brown melanin is normal under Brown Iris Constitution.
b) Double closed lacunae separated by bridge formation located in the lung zone, suggest predisposition to lung stress.
c) Defect marking located in the lung zone which amplified the impact on the lung function. Possible family history of asthma and bronchitis problem.


1) Pancreas sign - 65'.
2) Closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 80'~95' indicate predisposition to heart and lung.Suggest checking for his parents iris condition.
3) Multiple breaks of contraction furrows occurred in the lung zone. Amplified the lung deficiency.

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