Thursday, July 14, 2011

Structural & Stress Signs in Iris & Sclera

Solitary defect marking attached on the border of the pupillary zone -
1) Embryological indicates tendency to thyroid dyfunction, hyper/hypothyroidism.
2) Modern/Classical indicates tendency to heart disease, cardiovascular risk sign.

1) Possible parathyroid stress line.
2) Congestion line with moderate encapsulation formation in thyroid/ larynx reflex zone, suggest thyroid stress.
3) Secondary involvement stress in thryoid gland. 

An encapsulation stress formation at the thyroid zone indicates chronic condition of the thyroid gland.

1) Cardiovascular stress line extending to the heart zone and approaching to the edge of the iris. Potential of heart disease.
2) Potential stress in right/left bundles branch.
3) Please refer to the below Lx-iris, Lipemic Diathesis- frontal arcus, cholesterol ring in the limbus indicates high lipids and fat metabolism disturbances.

Defect marking classified as genetic determined sign attached on the border of the collarette at 275'-Rx, significantly impact on the reflexive organs........ in addition the stress condition was registered in the sclera....

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