Saturday, July 30, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis - Inner Pupillary & The Collarette (mhc)

Analyzing inner pupillary & border of the collarette in multidimensional approaches.. A typical case study for Hematogeneic iris constitution, Neurogenic sub-type found no structural signs or defect markings outside from the humoral, ciliary and limbus zones.

Male, 64. Rx and Lx :
1) Hematogenic Constitution, Neurogenic Structure, B1 Type, Lipemic Diathesis.
2) Hypertrophic of the Inner Pupillary Border, IPB Morphologies & Space Risk are presented.
3) Distended, Hyperthrophy, Double, Bridge & Local Absence of the Collarette.
4) Time Risk Signs is presented by the formation of  Bridge, Indentation and Absence of the Collarette.
5) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette will be presented via Border of the Collarette Analysis.
6) Embryological & Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis via Inner Pupillary Zone.
7) Classical Analysis on the Collarette Structure - Gastrointestinal Tract.

An Overview of the Iris Structure : Rx
1) Hematogenic Constitution, Neurogenic by Sub Type.
2) Lipemic Diathesis.
3) Constraction Furrows.
4) Hyperthrophy, Extended, Double Collarette Structure.
5) Hypertrophic of the overall IPB structure.
6) Crypts & Closed lacunae attached on the border of the pupillary zone/collarette.

IPB Morphologies & Space Risk Analysis ( John Andrews, DR. Lo Ri Lito) :
a) Local Double IPB - Tendency to nervous and anxiety of sensitiv emotion
b) Squared IPB - Tendency to thyroid dysfunction, genetic family history of hypothyrodism.
c) Globular - Tendency to dybiosis, gastric ulcers and low vitality.
d) Space Risk 17- 240' - Kidney deficiency.
e) Local hypertrophy of the IPB - Tendency to nervous, anxiety, depression , negative emotion.

Close view on local double IPB and squared IPB at the frontal section.

Embryological-(mby), Dirk Hamer Syndrom- (dhs), Emotional Dynamics of the Collareette- (edc), Time Risk- (tr), Physical Collarette- (pc).

1) Internal crypt at the frontal of the collarette- 5' suggests stress in hypothalamus (pc), limbic system compromised, emotional imbalance (edc), genetically concern with heart and bronchial condition (dhs).
2) Crypts located inside the  pupillary zone- 92' indicates possible stress in ileum (pc), possible emotional issue attached with masculine figures or father side (edc), tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances (dhs).
3) Crypt inside border of the collarette - 115' indicates blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction (mby), typical pancreas sign in (pc), issue of resistance to change oneself (edc), potential disturbances in colon and urinary bladder (dhs).
4) Internal lacuna seated inside the pupillary zone - 165' suggests stress in jejunum (pc), feeling of vulnerability (edc), deficiency in left kidney (dhs).
5) Indented lacuna at the ventral section of 180' indicates kidney insufficiency, adrenal fatigue, hypothalamus stress (mby), emotional trauma/events occurred during the age of 30+/-, possible tensionally vulnerable time, experience of betrayal (tr), issue of fear or to challenge (edc), potential disturbances in kidney and small intestine (dhs).
6) Crypts located inside border of the collarette - 188' & 195' indicates possible stress in appendix and caecum (pc), possible testical stress (mby), conflict in partnership (edc), digestion disturbances and kidney stress (dhs).
7) Crypts at 232' & 240' represents stress in gall bladder and deficiency in pancreas function (pc), possible sinus and pancreas dysfunction (mby), emtional issues anger resentment and betrayal (edc), liver and bladder dificiency (dhs).
8) Internal crypts at 290' possible stress in larynx/pharyx and thyroid dysfunction (mby).
9) Closed lacuna located outside border of the collarette- 320' concern with ear, hearing problem.

Bridge collarette formation in the ventral section of the collarette, tendency to blood sugar imbalance, diabetes problem.

Double collarette in the partial temporal section of the collarette, indicates emotionally nervous tension, depression and possible migraines.


IPB Morphologies & Space Risk Analysis :
a) & b) An external curvature - Tendency to progesterone deficiency.
Local absence of the IPB :
1) 17' - Space Risk 2 - Tendency to paranasal sinus.
2) 130' - Space Risk 19 - Disturbances in small intestine, dybiosis.
3) 175' - Space Risk 26 - Potential of sigmoid diverticulosis, hemorrhoids.
4) 245' - Space Risk 17 - Kidney insufficiency.

Close view on the Cat's Claw Sign - An external Curvature.

1) Crypts at the inner pupillary border- 10' suggests pituitary stress (mby), stress in transverse colon (pc), concerns with heart condition (dhs).
2) Crypt located inside the pupillary zone - 50' & 65' relates to stomach insufficiency (mby), potential in bronchitis problem and pancreas dysfunction (dhs).
3) Crypts at on the border of the collarette - 145' kidney stress (mby), possible prostate problem and colon disturbances (dhs)
4) Closed lacuna with indentation of the collarette - 165' indicates jejunum disturbances (pc), vulnerability emotion (edc), tendency to small intestine and kidney insufficiency (dhs). Time Risk sign !
5) Crypts scatted inside the pupillary zone of 220', 233' & 245' indicates blood sugar imbalance and liver deficiency (dhs).
6) Closed lacuna at the border of the collarette-285', 315', 335' & 350'  potential of heart stress, coronaries problem, larinx and thyroid stress (dhs). Feeling of injustice, separation, and loss of control...

a) Bridge collarette crossing the crypt in the inner pupillary zone.
b) local absence of the collarette at the ventral zone adjacent of the organs of kidney, tendency to kidney disturbances.

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