Friday, July 15, 2011

Genetic Inherited Weakness Vs Present Stress Condition Via Embryological & Sclerology Analysis

Embryological & Modern/Classical Iridological Approach :
1) Lipemic Diathesis, cholesterol ring around the limbus. Disturbances in fat metabolism and high lipid content.
2) Crypts at 35' embryological heart sign, potential heart disease amplified by high lipid content, high cardiovascular risk. Modern/Classical view as disturbance in transverse colon.
3) Indented double lacunae at 65' & 80' indicates :
- Blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction.
- Spleen deficiency.
- Adrenals stress.
- Thyroid stress, hypo/hyperthyroidism.
- Heart disease, potential cardiac arrest problem.
4) Crypts located inside the pupillary zone - 95' indicates potential  kidney deficiency and stress in descending colon.
5) Crypt attached on the border of the collarette - 280' suggest heart problem.
6) Defect markings on the border of the collarette - 300' represents irregularity of blood sugar, pancreas deficiency.

1) Tracer line from pituitary/pineal crossing over the thyroid quadrant, suggest thyroid stress, endocrine deficiency and imbalance.
Cardiovascular stress line with Y-fork formation running toward to the heart reflex zone indicates cardiovascular problem, refer the same findings via embryological and modern iridology analysis.
1) Pancreas stress line, suggest blood sugar imbalance.
2) Kidney and adrenal stress lines, potential of  kidney deficiency and adrenal fatigue.
3) Encapsulation stress at colon area, possible parasites involvement.
4) Stomach and small intestine stress line, suggest disturbances in digestion, absorption and assimilation.

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