Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pupil & Collarette Analysis - Multidimensional Approaches

Rx, Female
1) Crypts at 15' suggest pineal stress and limbic system compromised.
2) Crypt at inside of the pupillary border suggest pancreatic dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance.
3) Defect marking at 65' indicate irregularity of blood sugar, predisposition to pancreas disturbances.
4) Internal crypts at pupillary zone-75' suggest stress in ileum.
5) Internal lacunae at 110' ~ 120', embryological pancreas disturbances.
6) Crypts at 155' stress in uterus, possible endometriosis cyst.
7) Closed lacuna attached outside border of the collarette suggest stress in cervix.
8) Internal lacuna inside the pupillary zone - 190' suggest cervix stress and appendix disturbances.
9) Brown pigment granulation co-sign with crypt attached on the border of the collarette - 210' suggest ovarian stress and duodenum insufficiency, possible ovarian cysts, liver stress involvement.
10) Closed lacuna attached the border of the collarette- 290' represents pancreas sign, inheritance of pancreas deficiency.
11) Pupil flatten at 100' ~ 135' - Inferior Nasal Flatness ( J. Andrews ) :
- A history tendency stress of sacral, lumbar and coccyx.
- Possible renal, kidney and adrenal glands disturbances.
- Tendency to uterine problems, fibroids, endometriosis an cervical dysplasia.

Lx, Female
1) Defect marking at the frontal border of the collarette - 5' suggest hypothalamus stress.
2) Crypt inside of the collarette - 70' classical relates to pancreas dysfunction, aorta, possible heart disease, embryological relates to spleen deficiency and adrenal fatigue.
3) Internal lacuna at 92' indicates kidney deficiency and cardiovascular problems.
4) Closed lacuna in the ciliary zone - 110' indicate lung stress.
5) Closed lacuna attached external border of the collarette - 148' indicate kidney insufficiency.
6) Crypt at 280' indicate heart lacuna, potential of cardiovascular risk.
7) Lateral Temporal Flatness -  75' ~ 91' ( J.Andrews) indicates :
- Circulatory problem, tendency to asthma.
- Potential  heart and breast problem.

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