Thursday, June 09, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis- 6a(sk)

The below two irises have limited data to analyse in overall if you beginning concentrating from humoral to ciliary zone, please concentrate on the collarette, inner pupillary zone and IPB structure, they have full of latent genetically determined information for Modern Iridologist to explore ! But not overwhelm ! To analyse the Haemotogenic Constitution ( B1 & B2)/ Brown Iris and others constitution, always start from Inside-Out !

Hypertrophic of the IPB at 1 o'clock section, according to John Andrews with the hypetrophy of the IPB, it indicate a tendency to :
1) Hypoglycaemia
2) Automimmune compromise
3) Insomnia

IPB Morphological Analysis [1]
a) Triangles Sign- Tendency to gastro-intestinal and liver disturbances
b) Pearl Sign- A tendency family history of intestinal disturbances, polyposis and dysbiosis.

c) Detached IPB - Potential tendency to hypotension and poor circulation.

The Multidimensional Analysis Abbreviations :
a) Embryological Analysis [2] - Eby
b) Dirk Hamer Analysis [3] - Dhy
c) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette [4] - Edy
d) The Immune Cell & PNI [5] - IC & PNI
e) 12 Steps in Love [6] - 12SL
f) Modern Iridology Chart [7] - Mic
g) Iridology Chart [8] - Ic
h) Topographic Iris Chart [9] - Tic
i) Holistic Iridology Chart [10] - Hic

Rx - Iris
1) Defect marking with chronic level at 72', concerns with coronaries, potential heart problem and vestibulocochlear nerve (Dhy), stress in ileum (Mic), classical topographical areas of small intestine and peyers patches (Ic, Hic) potential ulceration condition. Deep-seated with family issue (Edy).
2) Defect markings or crypts in the internal border of the collarette at 90', indicates gastrointestinal disturbances (Dhy), deficiency in ileum and payer patches zone. Unresolved emotional issue with father side, masculine figures (Edy).
3) Protrusion of  the collarette inside with defect marking at 120', tendency to blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction (Eby), potential stress in left bladder (Dhy), pancreas deficiency (Mic, Ic, Hic), pylorus insufficiency in (Tic). Self-image, esteem problem (Edy).
4) An indentation of the wreath at 133', disturbances in bladder and colonic zone (Dhy), deficiency in pyloric sphincter and pancreas, blood sugar imbalance (Mic, Ic, Hic, Tic), Concerns with joy (Edy).
5) Indented lacuna at 188', stress in uterus (Eby), small intestine and kidney (Dhy), adrenal fatigue and cervix stress (Mic). Feeling of fear, fear of loosing something (Edy). Priority attention to uterus, cervix and adrenal stress.
6) Bridge and crypts formation at 225', potential disturbances in duodenum (Eby), tendencies weakness to pancreas and bladder (Dhy), stress in ovarian (Mic, Ic, Tic, Hic). Issue of worrying (Edy).
7) Crypt at 265', possible breast problem (Eby), stress in stomach (Dhy), stress in heart (Mic) and thymus compromise ( Ic, Hic), bronchus (Tic).
8) Crypt at 294' & 300', stress in larynx/pharynx (Eby), stress in cervix, uterus and coronaries (Dhy), blood sugar imbalance, pancreas sign (Mic, Ic, Hic), stress in ascending colon (Tic). Impatience (Edy).
9) Stairstep lacuna at 312', liver disturbances (Eby), stress in larynx (Dhy), disturbances in ascending colon, tendency familial history of intestinal dysbiosis, polyposis and ulcerartion (Mic, Ic, Hic, Tic).
10) Crypt at 350', pituitary stress, HPA axis (Eby), hypothalamus stress (Mic), limbic system compromise.

- Ventral linear collarette (140'~183') & (195'~225') indicate high tendency to hypoglycaemia.
- 1) Linear collarette (140'~183') suggest relate to Mesengial cells ( IC & PNI).
- 2) Linear collarette (195'~225') suggest relate to Kupffer Cells & Alveolar Macrophages.
- a) Bridge mid point at 153', Time Risk Sign.

Lx- Iris
1) Closed lacuna on the collarette at 55', bronchi stress (Dhy), pancreas sign (Mic, Ic, Hic ).
2) Crypt at 70', adrenal stress (Eby), coronaries, potential heart stress (Dhy), aorta stress, cardiovascular risk (Mic, Ic, Hic, Tic).
3) Crypt at 90', kidneys stress (Eby), disturbances in colon, stomach, duodenum, pancreatic and bladder (Dhy), cardiovascular risk, heart disease ( Mic, Ic, Hic, Tic). Unresolved emotional issue with father.
4) Indented collarette at 175', relates to breast problem (Eby), stress in intestinal, kidneys and ovarian (Dhy), adrenal stress in (Mic, Hic, Ic), deficiency in pancreas (Tic), self-esteem problem (Edy).
5) Crypt at 310', blood sugar imbalance (Eby).

1) Linear collarette at 130'~141' suggest relate to B-Cells.
2) Linear collarette at 200'~225' suggest relate to Kupffer Cells & Alveolar Macrophages.
3) Bridges formation at a,b,c & d indicates ( According to John Andrews researched) :
- Time Risk signs (By Daniele Lo Rito) at the midpoint of a,b,c,d
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Intestinal disturbances
- Potential progesterone deficiency
- Dysglycaemia tendency  

[1] John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, Modern Iridology, 3rd Edition, The Inner Pupillary Border & its Morphologies, pg163,166,168.
[2] John Andrews, Embryological & Embryological Endocrine Iris Chart, 1999~2006.
[3] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Iridology & Hamer Syndrome, 2006.
[4] John Andrews, Emotional Dynamics of The Collarette Chart, 2004.
[5] John Andrews, The Collarette, Immune Cell & Psychoneuroimmunology Foundation Iris Chart, 2002~2007.
[6] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, How We Love And How We Desire To Be Loved, 2010.
[7] John Andrews, Modern Iridology Chart, 2011.
[8] Dr.Bernard Jensen with revisions by Dr. Ellen Jensen, Iridology Chart, 2004.
[9] Josef Deck, Topographic Overview of The Iris, 1998~2010, Felke Institute, Revised Edition, (Vida, deck, 1954).
[10] Dr. David Pesek, Holistic Iridology Chart, 1999, Revised 2009.

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