Sunday, June 26, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis - (dw)

Right IPB Structure
- Hypertrophic of the IPB overall structures.
- Frontal IPB comprised of deviation in various IPB morphologies, local indentation and absence of the IPB.
- Low resistance in dealing with emotional imbalance and physical trauma.
- Psychosomatic imbalance.
- Stress in Cervical Vertebrae - 320'~27'

IPB Morphologies Analysis [1] :
a) Cat's Claw Sign- External Curvature - Progesterone deficiency and dyglycaemia tendency.
b) Hypertrophy of the frontal IPB - Tendencies to
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Hyperthyroidism.
- Blood sugar imbalance, diabetes.
c) Globular Sign - Dybiosis and gastric ulcer tendency.

Space Risk Analysis [2] :
1) Introflession of the IPB- 320'- Space Risk 5 - Insufficiency in respiratory, tonsillitis.
2) Absence of the IPB- 344' - Space Risk 2 - Paranasal sinus.
3) Absence of the IPB- 352' - Space Risk 1- Migraines, headache, vertigo and insomnia.
4) Absence of the IPB- 27' - Space Risk 4 - Nasal and ears problem, hearing, rhinitis.

d) Squared IPB- Thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroid tendency.
e) Globular Sign.
f) Butterfly Sign - Liver stress involvement and intestinal dybiosis tendency.

Pigment Dispersion Syndrome [3]  - Small and little brown like pigments (powder form) scattered around the edge of the ventral  IPB section, indicates potential of  Gestational vitamin C deficiency and Neuroendocrine emphasis.

 Left IPB Structure

- Generally, hypertrophy of the IPB in frontal and nasal sections.
- Absence of the local IPBs in the range of 300'~330' suggest muscular tension in cervical vertebrae. 
- Various IPB morphologies around the temporal section. 

IPB Morphologies Analysis [1] :
a) Frontal local Neurolappen/Hypertrophy of the IPB indicates-
 - Nervous, tension, anxiety and depression condition.
 - Insomnia tendency.
b) Butterfly Sign.
c) Sign Sign - Prolactin disturbances.
d) Triangles Sign - gastric ulcer, gastrointestinal disturbances and liver stress involvement.
f) & g)  Local hyperthrophy of the IPB at nasal section.

Space Risk Analysis [2] :
1) Absence of the local IPB at 300' - Space Risk 7 - potential of  thyroid dysfunction, hyper/hypothyroidism.
2) Absence of the local IPB at 310'~320' - Space Risk 6 & 5 - Respiratory problem, tonsillitis, muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
3) Absence of the local IPb at 330' - Space Risk 4 - Nasal polyps, rhinitis.

Closer view on Butterfly Shape of the IPB- b, S Sign/Prolactin - c and Triangles sign - d

e) Orange pigment attached on the IPB at 95' and local absence of the IPB at 93' relates to Space Risk 13 indicating  gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal dybiosis, gastric ulceration with pain condition.

Pigment Dispersion Syndrome at Lx of the IPB ventral section.

a) Central Heterochromia with orange pigment formation inside the collarette indicates:
- Genetically determined
- Gastrointestinal disturbances. Constipation, poor peristalsis, delicate digestion.
- Pancreatic dysfunction relates to orange pigment. Deficiency in digestive enzymes, blood sugar imbalance , hyper/hypoglycaemia tendency
- Intestinal dybiosis and compromise of the GALT.
- Hydrochloric acid disturbances.
b) White mixed orange pigment Stomach Ring located inside the middle of collarette in the circular zone around the pupil and inner pupillary border - The whitish stomach ring indicates hyperactive or excessive of the hydrochloric acid and acidity in the digestion system, tendencies to gastric ulceration, acid reflux and Helicobacter pylori, according to John Andrews.
c) Ferrum Chromatosis/Peppercorn around border of the collarette concerns:
- Liver stress involvement.
- Disturbances in digestive enzymes.
- Anaemia and dybiosis.

Embryological & Modern Iridological Analysis- the pupillary and humoral zone  [4] :
1) Internal lacuna located on the collarette - 37' indicates poor in digestion and absorption, stomach stress.
2) Crypts at the border of the collarette - 60' implicates pancreatic dysfunction, irregularity of blood sugar.
3) Internal lacuna situated at 107' suggests relates to thymus and ileum stress.
4) Internal lacuna crossing above by the orange bridges formation at 120' represents blood sugar imbalance, hyper/hypoglycaemia tendency.
5) Internal double lacunae with orange bridge formation at 135'~155' implicates potential deficiency in bladder and prostate function. Possible of cystic development in prostate gland and urinary bladder.
6) Closed lacuna in the ciliary zone of kidney, suggest kidney disturbances.
7) Closed lacuna at 180' indicates weakness in kidney and renal pelvis.
8) Curved Beak lacuna penetrate the border of the collarette - 190' at the reflex areas of adrenal and jejunum, indicates a potential benign process involving tumours, diverticulosis within the gastrointestinal tract, refer to John Andrews researched. Embryologically concerns with testicular stress.
9) Closed lacuna on the collarette- 215' indicates potential of  testicular problem and stress in duodenum.
10) Bridge crossing above the crypts formation at 235' indicates blood sugar imbalance and duodenum stress.
11) Small Rhomboid lacuna situated inside the pupillary zone at 245'embryologically  indicates nasal polyps, rhinitis, frontal and maxillary sinus, please refer to Space Risk 4 & 6. Physically relates with diverticulitis in the duodenum section.
12) Internal lacunae co-sign with orange pigment on the border of the collarette- 260'~265' major concerns with lung stress, potential  weakness in respiratory, asthmatic problem. Modern Iridological relates to heart conditon, cardiovascular risk.
13) Internal lacuna attached on the collarette at 293' & 302' suggest stress in larynx/pharynx and pancreas dysfunction.
14) Minor ray at 320' indicates liver deficiency and heart stress.

A concentrated orange pigment attached in the edge of the IPB at 360'/0' represents stress in pituitary and hypothalamus, HPA compromised, refer to adrenal stress at 190'.

An orange collarette bridge crossing over the reflexive areas of 235' & 245' indicating blood sugar imbalance, hyperglycaemia tendency and emotional stress.

Curved Beak lacuna penetrating the border of the collarette at the jejunum reflex areas accompanied with small crypt at the right side of the adrenal zone. Problem in partnership.

Various collarette bridges with orange pigment crossing above the areas of 135'~155' (double lacunae) and 120' (Internal lacuna).

a) Lymphatic Constitution.
b) Hydrogenoid by colour - Some flocculations of tophi or collagen bundles attached the limbus, lymphatic congestion and stagnation.
c) Neurogenic by structure- Dense, robust and compact of the iris fibres structure averagely in the ciliary zone
d) Uric Acid Diathesis- Whitish iris fibres circular outside the border of the collarette to ciliary zone.
e) Lipemic Diathesis, ventral arcus formation, tendency to sclerosis  in the lower part of the body.

The Modern Iridology Analysis - Ciliary zone
1) Cryptiform co-sign with small orange pigment at 284' suggest lung stress, possible asthmatic problem.
2) Small defect marking at 300' nearest to the border of the collarette suggest pancreas sign, irregularity of blood sugar.
3) Vascularised radial extending from the border of the collarette to the edge of the iris limbus at 306' in the reaction field of carotid artery, potential of carotid  artery disease, carotid stenosis. Carotid artery disease occurs when sticky, fatty substances called plaque build up in the inner lining of the arteries.  
The plaque may slowly block or narrow the carotid artery or cause a clot (thrombus) to form. Clots can lead to stroke.
Risk factors for blockage or narrowing of the arteries include:
•High blood pressure
•Heart disease
•High cholesterol
•Heavy alcohol use
•Kidney disease

4) Orange pigment in the areas of trachea area - 60'~75', possible trachea disorder.
5) Rarefaction of the stroma structures and brown pigment at 85'~95' indicates asthmatic bronchitis problem. TB  tendency.
6) Crypts at 100'~105' indicating bronchitis problem.
7) Closed lacuna at 110' relates to bronchitis problem.

A bright and whitish radial iris stroma indicating an acute state of irritation condition of the reflexive areas of
a) & b) Bronchials - Bronchitis irritated condition.
c) Kidney and renal pelvis areas - kidney insufficiency and hyperactivity condition.

1) Hyperthrophy of  Linear collarette at 15'~ 52' suggest hyperinsulinaemia tendency.
2) Torpedo lacuna penetrate the border of the collarette at 70' suggest pancreas dysfunction,  heart stress and embryological spleen disturbances, immunological deficiency.
3) Crypt at 114' suggest rhinitis,  frontal and maxillary sinusitis.
4) Crypt at 120' indicates liver insufficiency, deficiency in fat metabolism.
5) Crypts at 140'~147' indicates potential of testicular and kidney disturbances. Physically situated in the sigmoid colon reflex area.
6) Crypt inside the collarette at 150' weakness in prostate gland and duodenum disturbances. Physically located in the sigmoid colon reflex area.
7) Orange pigment in the ciliary zone of testes reflex area, potential of testes problem, refer embroylogical sign at 150'.
8) Moderate indented of the collarette co-sign with stairstep lacuna at 165' inside the collarette, suggest a tendency family history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulceration and intestinal polyposis.
9) Internal lacuna at 190' inside the border edge of the collarette embryologically relates to the disturbances of urinary bladder and prostate gland. Physically situated in the rectum and anus reflex area.
10) Crypts situated inside the collarette edge at 208' relates to prostate gland.
11) Double and divided lacunae penetrate the edge of the collarette at position of 240' typically pancreas sign, blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction condition.
12) crypts situated inside the edge of the collarette at 260' suggest stress in ileum and possible relates to thyroid stress.

1) Torpedo lacunae with double / divided formation penetrate the border of the collarette - pancreas sign and time risk signs. Deep seated unresolved issue of betrayal !

Modern Iridology Analysis - Ciliary zone :
1) Crypt and closed lacunae with loosening iris fibres structure at the carotid artery reflex zone, please refer vascularized/redden radial at 306'-Rx.
2) Closed lacuna at 65' suggest lung stress.
3) Various closed lacunae with rarefaction of the iris stroma in the lung reaction field, insufficiency in lung function, tendency to asthmatic and bronchitis problem. Numerous signs been identified by embryological and modern iridology in Rx & Lx iris - pupillary and ciliary zone.
4) Closed lacuna inside with loosening iris stroma at 105' suggest lung stress.
5) Small lacuna attached to the collarette at 120' suggest pancreas sign.
6) Defect Linear Marking ( look like semi-open lacuna) at 220' concerns with bladder deficiency.
7) Crypt at the ciliary zone of 265' suggest bronchitis problem.
8) Small lacuna covered with the orange border located at 285' relating to bronchitis problem.

Attention to the smallest lacunae - Double lacunae at 240', crypt at 265' and closed lacuna at 285', they are the most significance contribution to the pathologically consideration.

a) Linear defect marking at bladder zone - 220' indicate urinary bladder stress relates to prostate and kidney function, also concerns with sexual related issues.
b) Significance pancreas sign !
c) Cholesterol ring at ventral section indicate stress and stagnation in the lower part of the body system - kidneys, bladder, prostate and testes

The combination structural signs and pigment in the Sigmoid Colon reflexive zone - Indicates significance pathological stress and disturbances on the affected reflex areas - Intestinal dybiosis, polyposis and gastric ulceration.
a) Stairstep lacuna situated inside the pupillary zone.
b) An indentation of the collarette adjacent to the stairstep lacuna.
c) Orange pigment granulation located nearest to the border of the collarette and adjacent to the location of the stairstep lacuna in sigmoid area.

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