Monday, June 06, 2011

Modern Iridology, Embryological, Space Risk, Spinal Reflex, Cell & PNEI Analysis - 5a (gh)


Embryological & Modern Iridology Analysis [1]

1) Leaf lacuna occur on the border of the collarette - 15', suggest paranasal sinus and compromise in limbic system, concern with hormonal, emotional stress and imbalance.
2) Honeycomb or Cryptiform lacuna, the bulge formation within the pupillary zone and extend to the ciliary zone- 180'~185'.The honeycomb was found in the embryological and modern topographical areas of adrenals, kidneys and jejunum, suggest possible of polycystic kidneys, exhaustion in adrenal gland with fatigue condition, HPA compromise, and  potential of parasites involvement.
3) Crypt found in 213' testes in embryological and modern reaction field, stress related to male reproductive organs with primary function of producing sperm and the male hormone testosterone. Possible testicular pain and torsion.
4) Cryptoid formation occur in 235', potential of  pancreas dysfunction, gall bladder deficiency in producing digestive enzyme and duodenum stress.
5) Crypt inside of the border of the collarette- 275', possible thyroid stress and heart problem, potential of cardiovascular risk.
6) Crypts found in the border of the collarette- 290', concerns with thyroid, larynx/pharynx, and heart stress.
7) Crypt seated on the collarette - 300', suggest genetic determined in blood sugar imbalance.
8) Crypt with chronic level located on the thickened section of the collarette - 310', relate to liver stress and carotid artery.
9) Cryptoid formation within the stomach and intestines zone, embryological concern with stomach stress, indigestion, disturbance in digestion and assimilation, modern topographical that stress in transverse colon.
a) Hypertrophic collarette at the localized frontal section of - 300'~ 15'.
b) Crypts formation at the ileum reflex areas.
c) Crypt formation with protrusion  at the jejunum areas.

Crypts Formation around the inner pupillary zone (stomach & intestines) & Hypothropy of the IPB structure. The client having a severe and chronic digestion problems, disturbances in gastrointestinal, poor peristalsis and flatulence, a tendency family history of intestinal dysbiosis, intestinal tumour, IBS condition. 
The hypotrophy of the IPB indicate [2] 
- Sensitivity to environmental toxins
- Low resistance and poor reaction to bacterial, parasites and viral intrusions and infections.

Embryological  & Modern Iridology Analysis

1) Leaf lacuna occur in 0'~10', suggest hypothalamus and pituitary compromise, limbic system deficiency and psycho-emotional imbalance.
2) Internal lacuna with crypts formation - 40'~50', tendency to heart disease, carotid artery, stomach ulcers and indigestion problem.
3) Crypt on the border of the collarette- 75', suggest to adrenals stress, modern topographical concern with aorta stress.
4) Crypts formation on the collarette- 85', indicate thyroid dysfunction, potential hyper/hypothyroidism, modern topographical relate to cardiovascular risk.
5) Crypts inside the border of the collarette- 95', relate to kidney deficiency and disturbances in descending colon, tendency to diverticulosis. 
6) Crypts formation at the reflexive zone of sigmoid colon- 145', 155' and 165', embryological indicates disturbances in kidneys, prostate, duodenum and testes, modern topographical concerns with stress in sigmoid colon and testicular condition.
7) Staistep lacuna in ventral section of 180', suggest problem in breast or lymphatic congestion and stress in hypothalamus. The lacuna physically located in the reflexive of sigmoid, rectum and anus areas, can be considered a severe sign and tendency family history of intestinal dysbiosis, tumours, polyposis, gastric ulcerations and IBS symptoms. 
8) Closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette- 210', indicate potential prostate deficiency, they include problems in passing urine, frequent urination, difficulty in having erections, having blood or semen in the urine and frequent pain in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs, and also relate to male sexual response.
9) Crypt found on the collarette - 288', relate to heart problem.
10) Crypt found inside the collarette-295', tendency to blood sugar disturbances.
11) Crypt occur closer to the border of the collarette-330', relate to sinusitis problem.

Structural signs occur in the humoral zone

a) Cryptoid formation in the stomach and intestinal zone with constricted collarette. Severe condition of gastrointestinal disturbances.
b) Prostate lacuna.
c) Stairstep lacuna.
d) Crypts formation in sigmoid colon.

Unidentified of white flocculate in the pupillary zone closer to the IPB

Space Risk - Lx

Space Risk Analysis [3]
1) 315'- Space Risk 6 - potential muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
2) 298' - Space Risk 8 - potential stress in tracheal, whooping cough.
3) 288'- Space Risk 10- possible lung stress, asthma.
4) 245' - Space Risk 16- potential adrenal stress and fatigue.

IPB-Spinal Reflex Analysis [4]
1) Potential stress in Cervical & Thoracic Vertebrae- 315', (298'+288'+245')

1) Introflession of the IPB - 315'
2) & 3) Extroflession of the IPB - 298' & 288'

a) Linear collarette in the frontal of the collarette - 11"~12" Clock location
- Classical explanation as prolapse of tranversal colon. ( subject to x-ray confirmation, old literature as prolapsed transverse colon)
- According to John Andrews, in modern research indicates :
1) If the linear collarette located between 11 to 12 location, suggest insulin resistance and hyperprolactinaemia tendencies.
2) Tendency to depression.
- Suggest relate to Langerhans cells- 340'~5' [5]
b) Suggest relate to Mesengial Cells- 145'~170' [5]

[1] John Andrews, Embryological Topographical Chart, Modern Iridology Chart, 2011.
[2] John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Sign, 2008, pg163.
[3] Dr. Daniele Ro Lito, Space Risk, 2006.
[4] John Andrews, Inner Pupillary Border & Spinal Reflex Chart, 2004.
[5] John Andrews, The Collarette, Immune Cell & Psychoneuroimmunology Foundation Iris Chart, 2002-2007.

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