Saturday, May 07, 2011

The Dynamics of Embryological Analysis- Rx & Lx -1b

Rx- Inner Pupillary Zone
We are going to explore the dynamic of the embryological signs inside the collarette. The topographical signs to be examined are:
a) Crypt.
b) Major radial penetrate the border on the collarette.
c) Minor radial inside the pupillary zone. 
d) Indentation of the collarette.
e) Extroflession of the collarette.
f) Double wreath in certain topographical location.

Let begin to explore the excitement of the following embryological sign !
1) Major radial/ray, embryological sign at @7'- Bronchus, potential breathing disturbances and tendency to have family history of  bronchitis and asthmatic. Please refer to 1a, the correaltions of  IPB- Wave Sign.
2) Minor ray radiate from the border of the collarette at @40' degree - Indicate potential weakness in digestion, intestinal disturbances. Please refer to 1a, the correlations of  IPB- Triangle & Pearl Sign.
3) Major radial furrow or ray emanate from the pupillary border extending to the degree @54' to ciliary zone which manifests the embryological stress in organs in the topographical areas of tonsils and stomach. Genetic inheritance of tonsillitis, immune compromise and intestinal disturbances. Please refer to correlation of IPB-Triangle & Pearl Signs.
4) Indentation of the collarette by deep radial furrow at @ 185' with thickened collarette, registered an  embryological weaknesses glands and organs - stress in hypothalamus  lead to limbic system compromise, adrenal fatigue in an emotional stress and tension, and kidneys insufficiency. Time Risk sign !
5) Major radial radiate from the border of the collarette toward to the ciliary zon at @215'- Suggest duodenum stress and ovary disturbances, compromised with ovarian cyst syndrome, claimed by the client.
6) Minor ray on the collarette @ 240', suggest genetic blood sugar imbalance.
7) Protrusion of the thickened collarette with crypt formation with whitish fibres at @290', suggest stress in larynx or pharynx.
8) and 9) Consider normal normal condition of the wreath and no embryological signs have been found at the topographical areas.
10) Major radial furrow at 325' with no embryological sign.
A) Indentation of the collarette with double wreath formation at @290', suggest breast problem, confirmed with breast cysts symptom.
B) Indented collarette with small brown pigment inside the collarette at @300', suggest thymus insufficiency, immune system deficiency. Time Risk sign !

A and B Embryological Signs- Great impact on the physical and psycho-emotional levels.

Double wreath formed at the temporal section-Ascending colon reflexive areas
According to John Andrews, double collarette indicates:
- gestational compromise in collarette development.
- compromise of the HPA axis- Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Adrenal ( adrenal stress at @185')
- emotional imbalance and nervous system stress.
- headache and migraines tendency.
- feeling fear of not doing good, not doing enough ! this can manifest to IBS syndrome, the client has the aforementioned behavioural symptoms !
Please pay attention that the double collarette was located at the temporal section adjacent to the breast and lung reflex areas, and the embryological breast sign was formed within the indented of double wreath location !
Embryological dynamics of Collarette/Pupillary Zone/IPB with Indented Collarette-Pigment Granulation-Wave Sign = The interaction of Time Risk and Space Risk happened at the dimensional area of 305' degree

Stress in thymus gland with immune compromise at 305', with embryological sign plus the solitary small brown pigment located in this topographical area indicate pain and possible severe condition to affect the immune system. In addition, the solitary pigment triggered the Space Risk 7 - Thyroid gland, tendency to hypo or hyperthyroidism.
Please find the inter-relationship with the findings and correlate the problems- Rx :

1)  Embryological + Space Risk + IPB = Thymus+Thyroid+Immune Compromise= Endocrine system and Immunological imbalance. Plus the findings of ( Breast + Ovarian Cysts).
2) Gastrointestinal disturbance - IBS syndrome ( Emotional Imbalance - Stress and Tension ).
3) Potential sexual related problems.
Lx- Inner Pupillary Zone
1)Deep radial furrow radiate from the border of the collarette toward to ciliary zone at @7'. Pituitary stress, limbic system compromise. 
2) Stress in medulla oblongata at @10', suggest breathing problem, survival issues in emotional level. Please refer also the Rx, embryological sign @7' weakness in bronchus. Potential weakness and fatigue in lung function, tendency to have asthma and bronchitis problems. Refer Rx IPB sign - Wave formation.
3) Embryological sign of  intestinal weakness and disturbance at @45' with radial furrow. Numerous evidence proven the client is under stress by gastrointestinal dysfunction - in Rx :
a) Embryological weakness at @40', 54', 215'.
b) IPB structural signs - Triangle and Pearl.
4) Embryological pancreas sign at @55'~60'. Suggest genetic blood sugar imbalance.
5) An indentation of the collarette at 75', manifests the weakness glands and organs in spleen of immunological compromise, and  adrenal fatigue. Time Risk sign !
6) Moderate level of protrusion in thickened collarette at @100', suggest deficiencies in kidney and adrenal cortex.
7) Indentation of the collarette at @110, embryological stress in sinuses and cerebellum. Time Risk sign !
8) Minor ray at @155' indicate bladder stress.
9) Indented wreath at @165' tendency to uterus disturbances, menstrual cycle imbalance, cramp and irregularities, possible pregnancy problem.Time Risk sign !
11) Stairstep located inside the collarette in ventral section of sigmoid reflex area @183'  indicates breast problem and stress in hypothalamus. Please refer to Rx the breast problem was also registered in embryological area of @ 290' with an indented wreath. The stress of hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal formed the Stress Axis. The IBS was part of the causes and contribute to emotional stress problem.
12) Indented wreath at @190', pineal stress and deficiency in bladder, also refer to @ 155'.
13) Radial furrow at @307', suggest blood sugar imbalance.

Stairstep Lacuna - Important Physical and  Embryological Sign developed in the direction of @183'. In the pupillary zone, it regard as an embryological signs in the topographical areas of breast and hypothalamus at @183'. In the physical and classical aspects it relates to as a serious iris marking with a tendency familial history of intestinal tumors, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polyposis.

In comparison of Rx and Lx, the common embryological findings are :
1) Problem in breast area leading to breast cyst, suggest Mammogram checking.
2) Intestinal dybiosis, gastrointestinal disturbances, emotional imbalance with IBS.
3) Psychosomatic problems. HPA axis
4) Immunological and Endocrinological compromise.
5) Ovarian cyst syndrome, menstruation imbalance.
6) Bronchitis and asthma tendency.

Coming up nest post- 1c, Dirk Hamer Analysis for Rx and Lx

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