Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Analysis - 4b

Combination analysis of Time Risk Vs Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette. Both working on analyzing the genetic inherited structural signs which attached on the border of the collarette. The effects of the traumatic event and the impacts of the person psychosomatic condition.
The significance of the time risk signs for this collarette are radial furrows extended from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone.Extended of the wreath was only found in the degree of 270' at the client age of 15.
The meaning of the radial furrows in time risk sign as:
a)The experience of a deep and profound trauma.
b)Deep realisation.
c)Extreme and profound stress affecting thr person physical body.
d)Possible vaccination reaction.
If we look at that person collarette, found that the most deep major ray was happened in his age of 5,15,27 and 30, his cuurent age was 37. The past events experienced by the person were largely related to the masculine figures, possible related to his father, sibling brothers or any relationship that concerns with masculine figures.There was a pointed collarette formation at 270', time risk age of 15, a person might experienced a critical traumatic event. The present lifestyle of his physical health, social circle, career path status , family relationship, his mental and emotional status are an importance factors to handle and face his future.
The future time risk of 45,52 and 58,especially when the age of 58 (major deep ray) is the most challenging in his life path to overcome any foreseen or unforeseen circumstances.
Based on the Emotional Dynamics of Collarette analysed, the potential of negative emotions or psychological barriers was experienced or might experience in the comung future as follow:
1) Age 5 - Feeling of deep separation from the parent or family members.
2) Age 15 - Grief and sadness migh caused by the long time separation from the family members.
3) Age 27 - Partnership problems, possible of wife relationship crisis or bussiness partnership problem as the right iris is related to the logical and material aspects
4) Age 30 - Feeling of fear to facing the realistic of life in various aspects.
5) Age 45 - Conflict of authority.
6)The missing collarette in that section as registered start from the age of 52 to before 58. The feeling of abundance, hopeless or no one to care about, family issues of separation hypothetically projected to the time age of 52 to 58.
7) Age 58 - Fear of loss control to something to his life or fear of loosing something from his life, the time of wisdom to think what is going on about his life, how to continue his life path.....searching for light !

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