Monday, April 04, 2011

Time Risk Analysis - 2d

Lx, Male, 41
1)Minor ray ~ 0 - Birth trauma sign.
2)Closed lacuna ~ 12 - emotionally vulnerable time or experienced family trauma.
3)Crypts ~ 14 - Potential deep block in trauma, experienced violence or deep transformation.
4)Closed lacuna ~ 25 to 28
5)Indented closed lacuna ~ 50 - Potential of deep trauma events whether under physical, emotional or psychological in the age of 50 :
a)Onset of depression.
b)Anger in response to life event estimate at gthe age of 50+/-
c)Deep self-criticism over an event.
d)Suffering a profound loss !
6)Major ray/radia furrows ~ 57 to 58 -
a)The experience of a deep and profound trauma.
b)Extreme stress affecting the physical body.

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