Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Physical & Vicero- Emotional Analysis -3i

Rx, Male, 53
1)Lipemic diathesis/Cholesterol Ring- lipids concentration in the frontal section, so called frontal arcus indicate poor circulation and memory problems.
2)Contraction Furrows in the lung areas
3)Pineal stress, fear of the known, fer of detachment.
4)Pituitary Stress, fear of independence, letting go and self control, having no barriers.
5)cerebellum stress.
6)Radii solaris, major rays emanate from the border of the pupil towards to the ciliary zone in the frontal area of brain zone indicates low vitality, possible headache and migrain problem, vertigo, loss of concentration, hypertensiona and low libido.
7)Crypts in urinary bladder,porblmes of letting go ogf accumulated toxin emotions, despair in life.
8)Indientation of the wreath in adrenal zone, issues of low self-esteem, fear and trust.
9)Rarefaction in kidney areas, weakness in kidney function, fear filled kidney show itself as sexual dysfunction, recurrent bladder infections, inflammation and chronic anxiety.
10)Pancreas sign, issues of betrayal, harmony and uncertainty.
11)Gall bladder deficiency, issues of forgiveness, bitterness.
12)Minor ray in heart zone, potential heart disease, loneliness and fear of vulnerability.

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