Sunday, April 10, 2011

Physical & Emotional Analysis-4d

1)Minor ray emenate from pupillary border to inner collarette border, indicate hypothalamus stress with limbic deficiency.
2)Pituitary stress.
3)Radii Solaris/Major ray penetrate the border of the collarette in the humoral zone of pancreas area represent genetic blood suagar imbalance.Grief and betrayal issues.
4)Moderate level of indentation of the wreath at bronchus area, suggest bronchitis or coughing. Suggest survival issue on material aspects.
5)Major ray intercept the adrenal and kidneys reaction field, suggest adrenal cortex disturbance, stress and fatigue. Kidneys deficiency. Forgiveness issue.
6)Minor deep ray in adrenal reaction field. Fear on losing,confronting and dealing with something during the age of 30.
7)Minor ray in pancreas reflex area.
8)Closed lacunae located in lower breast areas, possible lympathic congestion. Survival issue related to career or financial stuffs.
9)Crypts attached to the heart reaction field suggest cardiovasacular risk.
10)Deep ray inside the collarette aligned with the humoral zone of the pancreas zone.
11)Deep radial furrow in the cerebellum area.
12)Absence of the collarette adjancent to the reflexive organs of frontal sinus, eye, jaw and nose.
13)Cryptoid formation around the ciliary zone in limbus indicates immune challenge and overactivity of the PNEI.

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