Tuesday, April 05, 2011

IPB & Space Risk Analysis - 3a

1)Pigment in IPB ~ Space Risk 11 ~ 280' - concerns with the disturbances in liver and gall bladder.
2)Absence IPB - Space Risk 6 ~ 315' - indicates pain or tension in neck and shoulder.
3)Absence IPB - Space Risk 11 ~ 85' - Gall baldder & Liver.
4)Hypertrophy IPB - Indicate an overactivity of the physical and emotional bodies. The Hypothalamic Axis is of prime importance. Autoimmune, allergies and diabetes condition are possible with hypertrophy of the IPB.
5)Partial Atrophy - Some of the IPB is atrophic or missing, whilst the remainder of the IPB is normal, hypertrophy or hypotrophy. The partial atrophy are concern about the poor adaptability and neuroendocrine deficiency tendency.
6)Double IPB - Tendency to nervous and anxiety inhibition within that individual.
7)Linear IPB - Potential of linear formation. A linear section of the IPB that is straightened and rigid. Physical rigidity and inflexibility in emotional expression and potential of arterial blockage.

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