Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dirk Hamer Analysis 1,2 -6d

Dirk Hamer Analysis - Cerebral Trunk & Cerebellum Organs Analysis (Green)
1)Left pericardium, concern about heart condition, possible heart stress.
2)Pleura, concern about the breathing condition.
3)Bladder,Sigma and Left vestibulocochlear nerve.The vestibulocochlear nerve is a sensory nerve that conducts two special senses: hearing (audition) and balance.It consists of two anatomically and functionally distinct parts: the cochlear nerve, distributed to the hearing organ, and the vestibular nerve, distributed to the organ of equilibrium.
4)Colon sign,concern about the perisltasis condition.
5)Colon sign.
6)Colon sign. Potential of gastrointestinal weaknesses.
7)Small intestine, left kidney, indicate possible deficiency in digestion, absorption and assimilation, disturbance in left kidney.
8)Pancreas sign.
9)Liver involvement.
10)Right vestibulocochlear nerve.
11)Right breast sign.
12)Right derma and right pericardium signs.
Dirk Hamer Analysis - Cerebral Coetex Organs Analysis (Red)
1)Branchial arcs.
2)Bronchial musculation.
3)Bronchi area.
4)Coronaries, heart stress.
5)Left bladder sign.
6)Right retina.
7)Concern with left vitreum, and right kidney.
8)Left retina.
9)Rectal musosa.
10) & 11)Larinx.
12)Thyroid sign.

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