Monday, April 11, 2011

Dirk Hamer Analysis 1,2-5d

Dirk Hamer Analysis
a)Cerebral Trank & cerebellum Organs Analysis (White)
1.Left pericardium and derma, potential of heart disease.
2.left breast.
3.Sigma and left vestibulocochlear nerve.
4.Left vestibulocochlear nerve.
5.Left vestibulocochlear nerve and colon.
6&7.Colon, potential gastrointestinal disturbances.
8. Small intestine and left kidney stress.
9. small intestine,right kidney and potential right protaste stress.
b)Cerebral Cortex Organs Analysis (Green)
1.Bronchial stress.
2.Bronchial musculation and tendency to bronchitis.
3.Bronchitis problem.
4&5.Coronaries, cardiovasculare risk.
6.Potential left bladder stress.
7.Right retina.
8.Left vitreum and right kidney stress.
9.Right vitreum and left kidney stress.

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