Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Collarette Lx - Embryological Sign - Indented Wreath

Male,67,Lx, diagnosed with liver cancer and Diabetes
1)Crypt located @305 in pupillary zone, embryological sign of Liver, Hepatocellular carcinoma cancer for the liver. The importance of the embryological sign superseded the classical iridology assessment. Genetically, liver does not manufacture the lacuna in it reaction field, liver stress only presented in :
a)Rarefaction of fiber structure or stroma.
b)Brown,dark brown and black pigment granulations.
c)Embryological sign in pupillary zone.
d)Space Risk in the border of the collarette.
e)IPB Sign.
f)Dirk Hamer Analysis in pupillary zone.
2)Indented collarette at the @195'deficiency in urinary and bladder, the person claimed have frequent urination during the night in every 2 hours, suggest bladder infection or inflammation and might caused by the blood sugar imbalance, symptom of diabetes- test result:9.9mmol/L. Time Risk sign !

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