Monday, April 11, 2011

Archeology, IPB & Space Risk Analysis-5a

a)Archeology Findings (white)
1)Embroy Sign
2)M Sign - According to John Andrews this sign related to blood sugar sign, concerns to dysglycaemia.
3)Coffee Bean Sign
b)IPB Analysis (Red)
1)Anchor - Sign of post-operative adhesions.
2)Hypertrophy/Neurolappen - Indicate tendency to nervous sensitivities, with general anxiety and tension, depression and insomnia.
3)Normal IPB (60% similar to target sign)- related to liver stress,potential of hepatitis.
4)Squared (50%)- tendency to thyroid dysfunction. Check for other thyroid sign in ciliary zone.
5)Pearl - Tendency to have family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumors or inflammatory bowel condition.
c)Space Risk Analysis (Blue)
1)Space Risk 5 ~ 320' - Tonsilitis & potential of respiratory system weaakness.
2)Space Risk 17 ~ 115' - kidney weakness or renal colic.
3)Space Risk 24 ~ 155' - Concerns stress in lower extremities, varicose vein or circulatory problem.

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