Friday, November 26, 2010

Physical-Embryological- Time Risk Analysis

Physical Iridololg Analysis
-Significant of polyglandular constitution by structure.
- Atonic, floppy & extended collarette represent a tendency of:
a) inherited weakness of intestinal glands.
b) Motor disturbances, low tonus, poor peristalsis, slow motility and general atony of the intestinal tract.
c) Possible of constipation problem.
d) People with distended collarette are recommended to have small meals as often as needed.
e) Potential of parasite, bacteria or fungus involvement in the gastrointestinal tract.
1) Closed lacuna located in the pancreas area indicate blood sugar imbalance.
2) & 3) Rarefaction stroma structure & closed lacunae seated in the reflex bronchus areas indicate possible of asthma and bronchitis problem.
4) Closed lacunae located in the pancreas reflex zone indicate prediposition to diabetes and insufficiency of digestive enzyme. The client claimed diabetes.
5) Closed lacuna located in the urinary bladder, potential of urination problems such as difficulty in urine, frequent urination, choking or inflammation. the client claimed difficulty in urination.
6) & 7) Double closed lacuna located in the prostate areas indicate inherited weakness in prostate and urination problem.
7a) Gigantic or large lacuna located in the kidney areas, it shows not only defieicny in kidney and having potential family history of and tendency to diabetes mellitus. It also shows a predisposition to poor endurance and energy reserves, irreespective of its topographical location, according to John Andrews. The client is confirmed as diabetes more than 10 years.
8) Rarefaction inside the distended collarette showing low reactivity and resistance to any negative influence on the adjacent organs of testes. The client inherited degenerative weaknesses in urogenital system, kidney, prostate , pancreas and the areas of extremities.
9) Closed lacunae located in the region of gall bladder and pancreas.
10) Small closed lacuna located in the liver area potential liver stress with poor fat metabolism and potential high cholesterol level.
11) This tiny lacuna have a great genetic impact on a person health condition, the lacuna was located in the reflex areas of thymus, heart and bronchioles indicate a potential weaknesses in low immunity, heart stress and bronchitis problem.
12)&13) Lacunae at the pancreas area, firmly confirmed that a person being diabetes by genotype, phenotype and morphotype.
14) Closed lacuna in the ear reflx area indicate possible ear infection.
15) Small closed lacuna or crypt located in the medulla area indicate potential of breathing and lung stress. Survival issue !

Time Risk Analysis
- Time Risk-1 : Indentation of the collarette & crypt in the temporal area of the age of 15 0r 75. The person age was 60 above, potential of emotioanl or physical trauma event was occured during the age stated which the pupil was flatten at the lateral temporal area, a person might have severe asmathic or bronchitis problem.
- Time Risk-2 : Gigantic lacuna located in the time age of 30 or 90. A sign of diabetes millitus and kidney deficiency, an emotional lridology analysis to this condition will enhance the understanding of this potential traumatic event happened during the person age of 30 !

Embroylogical analysis
- Embroylogical /Mophological signs in the pupillary zone/nutritive zone, in between the space and time risk zone.
a) Pancreas - embryologically with genetic sign of insuline or pancreatic disturbance. Potential of diabetes, the sign was reconfirmed with the physical level analysis.
b) Pancreas sign at 120' degree.
c) Rarefaction with closed lacuna located in the embryological zone of spleen area, suggest immulogical imbalance.
d) Deficiencies in kidney and adrenal.
e) Deficiencies in testicle, urinary bladder and prostate.
f) Potential disturbance in duodenum.
g) Pancreas sign in 235' degree.
h) Lung stress, potential of chronic coughing or bronchitis problem.
i) Possible of thyroid , larynx/pharynx disturbances.
j) Liver stress, fat metabolism deficiency.
k) Potential of heart stress.

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