Friday, November 05, 2010

Medical Palmistry Analysis

1) Potential of lung stress.
2) Potential of nose breathing problems.
3) Potential of breathing and bronchitis problems.
4) & 5) Possible of liver stress.
6) Deficiency in stomach digestion.
7) #5 line indicate deficiency in lung function and poor in blood circulation.
8) Disconnected or breaking line in the reflex area of kidney and urinary bladder.
9) This line indicates possible of constipation and digesation disturbances.
10) Stress in uterus area.

1) Potential deficiency in digestion.
2) Small triagle in heart and liver reflex areas indicates of heart and liver stress.
3) Medium triagle in heart area indicates potential of heart disease.
4) Medium stress in stomach area.
5) Stress in digestion, absorption and elimination system.
6) Potential stress in gall bladder.
7) Stress in stomach digestion.
8) This stress line also indiacte gall bladder problem.
9) & 10) Indicate indigeation and absorption problems.

1) Littile branch out lines or feather lines sperading at the rear area of #1 line indicates potential of breathing problems.
2) #11 line less than 2 lines indicate potential of urinary problem

#11 with only one line.

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