Friday, October 22, 2010

Medical Palmistry Analysis

1) #5 line broken in the middle of the 3rd finger vertical portion indicates potential deficiency in chest breathing function and heart blood circulation system.
2) #3 line normally represent genetic immune system and vital energy in the body system, a broken line in this area indicates insufficiency of kidney and uterus function.

Close view on broken line of #3 in the reflexive areas of kidney, prostate, urinary bladder and uterus.
1) #2 line broken in the 3rd finger zone represents the problem headache, heart stress, poor in blood circulation and potential of "sudden death" when reach at old age.
2) #2 line branched out with 3 lines located in the point of 4th finger that indicates potential of low nerve energy, vitality, headache and easy to get tired. The above #2 the sign of line broken and the devided lines reflects that the patient should pay attention on the health of heart condition, blood circulation and tension headache.
3) This triangle located in the #2 line and liver reflex areas which highly indicate a potential an earlier sign of cardiac arrest or heart attack problems. The patient should confirm with medication checking.
4) A large island formation located in the liver reflex area indicate possible of liver stress, deficiency in detoxification and elimination system.
5) #6 lines horizontally cutting in the area of #3 line and liver zone indicates the person is under emotional stress and tension, anger and resentment that affected the liver function.
6) The form of this line is seem like traingle shape located in the rear portion of #3, in my opinion, the traingle shape is invalid and not under consideration of health analysis.
7) Hatch form in the female zone of uterus and urinary bladder reflexive areas represent medium stress level.
Close view on the stresses signs of major lines- #1, #2 and #3
Reflexive stress indication.

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