Monday, August 09, 2010

Thought & Emotional in Brain Reflexive Areas

Rx - Radial Furrows
Thought & Emotional Analysis in the Brain Reflex Areas

Radial Furrows emanating from the transversal colon to the brain areas indicates condition of hypofunction, underactive, self-limited, passive, self-constraint & suppress of emotion.

1) Major ray/radial emanating from the frontal collarette to hypothalamus/Consciousness zone indicates low vitality, low energertic and life force, lack of enthusiasm and passive emotion.

2) Deficiency in Pituitary function with low self-esteem and image, lack of confidence to moving forward of acheiving goal.

3) Radial and crypt located in the Pineal gland indicates suppression with low capabilities of utilizing ones's mental ability to express outwardly to the environment in term of logical and rationally.

4) Survival issues in term of financial, work environment, career or business relationships. physical concerns about breathing difficulites, and potential of birth trauma, analyzing of Time Risk signs in the collarette is recommended.
5) Psychological Perception in the ealier birth, childhood or present issues. Analyzing the emotional level of organs and glands

6) Lipemic Diathesis, emotional aspect of suppression in anger and resentment. Looking the signs of liver, gall bladder, thryoid and parathyroid involvement.
7) Veneous Congestion, an emotion of denial of life force.

8) Hypo Cerebral Circulation, psychological tendency to shut down to handling the environment; a withdrawal from feeling emotion and "life force".

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