Sunday, August 08, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 49

Left iris

1) a) Closed, deep, degenerative lacunae or crypts located inside the collarette in the reflex area of Descending colon indicates potential of diverticula in the descending colon areas.
b) Crypts adjancent to the reaction field of Pancreas, suggest checking blood sugar level.
c) Emotional aspect of letting go issues, holding on to the past, depression, experiencing of grief & sadness of letting go in the femenine figure.
2) Crypt located in the descending colon areas with a mild degree of protrusion toward to Heart zone, label as "B"- distance between the pupillary border to collarette, the wreath distance in point B is greather then the point "A".
3) Anger of Fuch - raised and thick wreath in the wreath structure indicates:
a) Stricture & deformation in the intestinal tract.
b) Motor distrubances.
c) Poor peristalsis.
d) Reduced in pancreatic functions
e) Disposition to diabetes mellitus.
4) Semi-open lacuna in the Heart zone, potential deficiency in circulatory and cardiovascular system.

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