Saturday, August 14, 2010

Embryological Vs Classical Analysis

Lx- Polyglandular
Embryological Analysis
1) Breast
2) Uterus
3) Kidneys
4) Testes
5) Thyroid ( Classical - Heart )
6) Adrenal
7) Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies
8) Pancreas
9) Pancreas
Classical Analysis
1) Breast and Lung
2) Uterus
3) Kidney
4) Testes
5) Adrenal

In Hematogenic constitution, analyze the pupillary zone is vital than ciliary zone. The analytical tools to analyze the pupillary zone comprise of :
1) Embryological Analysis
2) Time Risk Analysis
3) Spare Risk Analysis
4) Emotional Analysis

Analysis of pupillary zone / collarette is an important trend and development for Modern Iridology which might supersede the Classical Iridology.

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