Saturday, August 14, 2010

Embryological Analysis - Inside the Collarette

Rx - Polyglandular Structure/ Distended Collarette

Gender : Male, Age : 49
classical analysis - cls
embryological analysis - emy
time risk - tr

1) Indentation of the collarette by the closed lacuna - cls : Pancreas ; emy : Thyroid & Larynx/Pharynx. tr : age of 0~10.
2) Crypts approached to the pupillary border - cls : Ascending Colon ; emy : Thymus gland.
3) An indentation of closed lacuna to the collarette - cls : Physical - Cerebellum ; Emotional - Sexual Expression , Psychological Perception (3a) ; emy : Heart, tr : 0 ~5.
4) Crypts in the - cls : Hypothalamus and Transverse Colon ; emy : Pituitary gland.
5) Crypts in the - cls : Pituitary and Transverse Colon ; emy : Hypothalamus.
6) Step lacuna in the - cls : Frontal Sinus ; emy : Stomach ; tr- 55

7) Step lacuna in the terrain of - cls : Pancreas, Heart & Bronchus ; emy : Pancreas ; tr - 50

8) Indentation of the collarette - cls : Adrenal ; emy : Spleen ; tr-33
9) Honeycom lacuna with prolapsed formation in the - cls : Cecum & Appendix ; emy : Teste, Prostate, Bladder & Duodenum ; tr - 25
10) Defect sign indented in the - cls : Pancreas area ; emy : Pancreas
11) Crypt in the - cls ; Bronchioles ; emy : Lung.
12) Step lacunae in the - cls : Lower Breast, Thorax & Pleura areas ; emy ; Breast
13) Crypts in the - cls : Heart area ; emy : Thyroid

Critical Reflexive Areas :1, 6, 7, 8

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