Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Embryological Analysis - Collarette

Potential embryological inherited weaknesses to the organs and glands -
1) Appendix and Uterus.
2) Crypt attached the pupillary border indicates deficiency in vitamin and mineral, and also attached the wreath boundary in the reflex sign of Ovary.
3) Closed lacuna inside the collarette indicates lung stress.
4) Weakness in Breast area, potential lymphatic congestion, suggest checking of breast.
6) Step lacuna in Thyroid.
7) Radial in Pituitary gland.
8) Radial in Pineal gland.
9) Step lacuna in Pancreas.
10) Closed lacuna in Pancreas. Potential diabetes problem.

1) Leaf lacuna in Hypothalamus
2) Potential Heart problem
3) Closed lacuna in Spleen
4) Closed lacuna inside the collarette, reflex Thyroid stress
5) Kidneys stress
6) Crypt in Adrenals
7) Crypt in Frontal Sinus
8) Crytp in Maxillary Sinus
9) Rarefaction with closed lacuna in Uterus embryological reflex area
10) Crypt in Pancreas
11) Crypt in Pancreas

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