Thursday, April 01, 2010

Iridology & Sclerology Analysis

Patient : Female

1) Nerve ring indicate physical aggresiveness and emotional stress. Highly motivated and pro-active.
2) Brown pigmentation indicate Liver stress involvement.
3)Inferior Temporal Flatness - Possible a)weakness in arm and shoulder movement. b) Irritation and possible sublaxation in T1-T4, T6-T7 vertebrae. 3) Hepatic insufficiency.
4) Deep ray or crypt in Liver and Gall Bladder reflexive zone. Medical checking of Liver function and condition is needed.
5) Radii Solaris located in the rain zone, indicate a nerve stress or nerve depletion in that area, tendency to headache, diziness and low energy.

1) Nerve rings formation.
2) Nerve rings fromation in the Lung reflex area. Indicate a tendency of respiratory deficiency.
3) Defect sign located in the Kidney zone.
4) Small crypts located in the Left Liver Lobe reflex zone. Indicate Liver stress.
5) Small crypts and whitish fiber structure located in the Face reflexive zone. Potential of Sinus imflammation problems.
6) & 7) Radial Furrows or Radii Solaris located in the region of Pineal, Pituitary and Sinus reflex areas, indicate emotional imbalance, stress, low libido and energy imbalance, and possible sinus infection.

1) Adavnced Y-fork stress stemming from the Pituitary and Pineal crossing Esophagus to Stomach, indicate nerve stress, nerveous stomach, irregular eating habit and disturbance in digestion system.
2) Pituitary stress traveling to Thyroid zone, indicate endocrine imbalance.
3) & 4) Pocket infection stress across the rim of the Brain zone, indicate possible Sinus infection and allergies.
5) Nerve fray stress or Anxiety stress crossing toward to Lung reflex zone, indicate lymphatic sluggish problem.

1) Lung stress line linking from the nerve stress line, indicate deficiency in lymphatic drainage.
2) Lymphatic congestion which possible infected by parasites involvement. Lymphatic drainage therapy is needed.

1) An advanced Thyroid stress lines crossing all over to the Brain and Abdomen reflexive areas. The linking stress line stemming from the Pituitary crossing Thyroid toward to the Adrenal area, indicate an endocrine imbalance or glandular fatigue.
2) Thyroid stress line crossing the Spinal reflex zone to the Adrenal reflex area.
3) An extend of the Thyroid stress to the Low Cervical Vertebrae and Thoracic vertebrae reflex areas.
4) Pituitary stress crossing toward to the Thyroid stress lines.
5) The branced out of the Pituitary stress toward to Parathyroid area.
6) An Adrenal stress line extending to the Bladder, Sacrum and Coccyx reflex areas. The above stresses highlighted the possible of CNS problems.

1) Critical stress line in the Pancreas reflex area. Suggest checking of digestive and hormonal functions.
2) Infection stress line was formed from the Pancreas stress line and the thin curved line to the left which encompassed the area of Ovary and Hepatic Flexture.
3, 4, 5) Bladder congestion stress encompassed of Kidney/Adreal and spreading toward to Small Intestine.
6 & 7) The Pituitary stress crossing the Thyroid linking to the Adrenal/ Kidney reflex area, indicate an experiencing of glandular fatigue and possible of endocrine deficiency.

1) Pocket infection line located in the rim of Brain reflex zone ( in the zone of Motor Skill & Nerve Fray ), a tendency of Sinus infection.
2) Animation of stress line or Nerve stress stemming from the middle of the Brain area downward to the Stomach Cardia area. Indicate nerve depletion, diziness, low energy, nerveous stomach and potential of chronic fatigue syndrom.
3) Pituitary stress line moving to Thyroid reflex zone.
4 & 5) Infection pocket lines in the zone of Thyroid & Face reflexive areas.

1) Congestion stress line stemming from the Pituitary stress as a tracer line to Thyroid zone , indicate an endocrine function deficiency.
2) Thyroid congestion lines.
3) spinal nerve stress line, the reflex of Low Cervical Vertebrae and Thoracic vertebrae.

1) Cradiovascular stress lines with secondary involvement.
2) Pocket infection stress line in the left Liver Lobe and Lung erfelx area.
3) Encapsulated stress in the region of Heart reflexive area.
4) Linking stress line stemming from the Brain reflex area to theLower Abdomen zone. Indicate a potential of lymphatic congestion.

1) Bladder stress line spreading toward to Kidney area.
2) An extension of the bladder stress routing to the Uterus area with Y stress formation, indicate a possible of disturbance in that endocrine system.
3) Stomach stress, possible indigestion problems.
4) Encapsulation infection, possible of parasites involvement.
5, 6) Infection stress formation in the region of Groin and Ovary reflex areas.
7) Pocket infection in the Spleen area. Possible of lymphatic congestion.
8) Linking line from the Lung & Heart areas indicate pontential of lymphatic circulation blockages.
9) An encapsulation in the rim of the lower abdomen reflex areas ( Colon, vagina and Bladder ).

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