Monday, April 12, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 39

1) Nerve rings / Stress rings - Contraction Furrows are often referred to as "stress" or "nerve rings". They are of normal, genetic origin and are recognised in ophthalmology. CFs are natural draiage channels for excess fluid or cellular waste within the structure of the frontal eye. They do not necessarily indicate that belongs to a very stressed individual. In fact, an iris with many CFs can idniacte inwardly, high motivated person. When they break, converge or terminate will be the focus for stress, nutritional necessity, cellular regeneration and oxygenation, neuromuscular tension or immunological involvement according by John Andrews.
2) Lipemic Diathesis \Cholesterol Ring \ Corneal Arcus - Indicate potential of high lipid levels and circulatory problmes. Suggestive checking of heart and blood circulation.
3) Light shading in the Lung reflex zone, indicate the Lung have a low reaction or reactivity to the illness and disease.
4) Semi-open lacuna situated at the right Lung with Heart reflex zone.
5) Radii Solaris, also referred as Radial Furrows. They look like spokes of a wheel or deep furrows radiating from the pupillary edge and the border of the collarette. They are wider at the base and can taper out toward the iris edge, according to John Andrew.

According to John Andrews, the radii solaris can appear anywhere in the iris, they are topostabile. Minor rays inside and outside the collarette tend to indicate intestinal mucosal difficulties. Major rays lead to the conclusion of tendency to diminished nerve supply in digestive system and reflexive organs and glands. Radial furrows inidcate toxic accumulation and stagnation in the topographical organ area thet are reside in. A radial furrows in the brain area acting as the spark for headaches delivered by a stagnant and fermenting colon. Radii solaris can attest to poor concentration, rectrictions in hormonal and blood circulation , vertigo, memory loss and headache, according to Emilio Ratti.

Closer view on semi-open lacuna seated in the Heart reflex zone. Potential of heart disease and circulatory problems.

1) Radial furrows in the brain zone.
2) Cholesterol ring and Stress rings concentrated in the left Lung reflex zone.
3) Closed lacuna in the Heart zone.

1) Closed lacuna attached in the Heart reflez zone, indicate high potential of heart disease problem and cardiovascular risk.
2) Contraction furrows in closer view.
3) Cholesterol ring in closer view.

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