Monday, March 15, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 35

1) Cholestrol ring - indicating of high lipid content, fatty liver and pay attention to circulatory system.
2) Closed lacuna in Adrenal zone, potential of emotional stress, body PH in acidic condition, and imbalance of hormone and glandular function. Low libido or low energy to work !
3) Closed lacunae located in the gonads zone, indicating potential of glandular imbalance.
4) Stress rings.
5) Open lacuna located in the Neck zone reflexive areas ( Ears-Mastoid- Medulla ).
6) Crypts in Pituitary zone.

1) Stress rings crossing the lung reflex areas.
2) Small closed lacunae in Groin area.
3) Crypts scattered in the Pineal and Pituitary zone.

The above iris ( right & left ) overall rating :

a) Tight iris fiber which represent a body with strong resistance to disease.
b) High Resilience.
c) Balance of Reactivity- Strong Vital Force.

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