Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Foot Glyphology Analysis- 48

Left Foot
1) Deep Y stress line indicate a congestion stress in lung and bronchi area, possible having sinus problems.
2) A "Y" stress stomach line. Possible hyper-acidic or ulcer concerns.
3) 5 " Star Mark " or " Hot Spot" of an advanced stress lines located a long the way of transverse, descending colon, small intestine, kidney and rectum reflex areas, indicate of infections and parasites involvement, where the body was struggling with an advanced stress in a tissue.

Right Foot
1) A deep stress line from heart straight to the lung areas, indicate a lung disturbance problem.
2) A symmetrical stomach stress line with the left foot indicate acidic digestion problem.
3) Reflective stress lines with left foot, indicate massive parasites proliferation in the digestion system. An immediate cleansing treatment is needed.
4) Bacterial tract lines ( parallel stress lines ) moving from sacrum area towards to small intestine.

A typical Bunion formation which related to vertebral misalignments in the neck. A neck problem.
Thickening and cracking of the skin in the lymphatic region suggests lymphatic congestion. Lymphatic massage is needed.
Whitish and chalky patches suggest the beging of fungal involvement.

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