Thursday, December 31, 2009

Abiding Faith

Pilgrims stand patiently in line for hours to enter the heart of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet’s capital. An inner shrine contains the country’s most sacred statue, called the Jowo Rinpoche—a seated Buddha installed when Buddhism was adopted by Tibetan royalty in the seventh century. An ever present part of the lives of modern Tibetans, this religion remains the most important defining element of their culture.

Monday, December 28, 2009


我從前對密教是有歧見的,因為讀過不少書籍,都說密教甚異於佛陀教旨。又因它的形式──祭醮禁咒之類過份紛繁,每與消災祈福有關,與佛教本身「滅執」的觀念相違,加上近代大儒章太炎亦云:「余以佛法不事天神,不當命為宗教,於密宗亦不能信。」1 所以從來沒有興趣和動力去翻閱密教經典和與它有關的著作。可是今次讀過了索甲仁波切 (Sogyal Rinpoche) 2所著的《西藏生死書》後,漸次對密教有了改觀,而且對西藏人民的個性和風俗生活都有若干瞭解,原來他們對生命和生命終結是看待得如此有特色和深度。整體說,本書拓闊了我的視野,整體上,我看到此書的宗旨其實是在教人:如何活得知覺、如何死得輕鬆自在。




 其實人之所以在生活中煩惱恐懼,實因內心無法純淨,處事待人往往是百般思索、千般計較,因此輕鬆快樂不來。內心無法純淨的源頭是內心的「三毒」-貪、瞋、癡,推動身、口、意三方面都種下無數三毒成份的業因,於是眾生便得受苦果。現今社會長久以來都偏重科技工商發展、追逐經濟利益、計較國與國的仇恨和利害;在學校裡,只知道成績至上,成績便是生活幸福的泉源,而不知道分數以外還有甚麼意義。這些美其名叫奮鬥,可惜俱只是尋求現實享樂的行徑,對於使「肉身」安樂有利,但,對於肉身以外的精神無益。由是因缺乏於人文心靈灌溉,所以造成心靈迷失、人性淪喪,對於人性價值便多有扭曲。許多人在不知不覺中鄙視精神價值,人生便欠缺更積極、更有意義的目標,個個為目前利益,也不必增長對他人的關心,而社會亂象叢生、治安惡化,最終也得歸咎於精神匱乏,物慾熾盛所致。這些不好的情況,按佛教的理論而言就是一種妄執,樣樣都以自我為依歸,不肯放棄屬於「我」有關的東西,因此便永遠生活在「十八界」3 的器世間之中。索甲在書中提到:

「學習生活就是學習放下,害怕放下是害怕生活,當能放下時,看待事物的方式就會改變,越深刻,越寬廣。」(頁55)他說的「放下」,便是佛教的其中一項重要哲學──「捨」,如佛教《大乘義章.二》說:「內心平等,名之為捨。」同十二云:「亡懷稱捨,心無存著故曰亡懷。」可見內心平等而無執著,便是捨。如果人在生時,能捨棄對名利物慾及錯誤觀念的堅執,便能活得更快樂;人面對死亡時,能捨棄對生的狂戀,便沒有掙扎和恐懼的痛苦,所以索甲才說:「放下執著時,大慈悲心就會產生,生命便是在教我們如何發掘善心,並實現它,而生命中的逆境,都在示現無常」。(頁57) 這便是索甲在「生」方面供我們參考的道理。




《西藏生死書》還提供讀者,不僅是有關死亡和臨終的情景描述。其中有實際的方法,可以用來了解死亡的真相,並幫助自己和別人死得「寧靜而充實」,這便是索甲介紹的「頗瓦法」──把意識射入本覺的虛空中。它是一種將自己的心溶入自己所信仰的任何神明或聖人裡,欲以達至平安的方法。頗瓦法可以讓人感受到一種心靈的寄托和自我的信心。索甲在書中經常引用公元七世紀蓮花生著的《中陰聞教得度》4 ,我想此書對他的啟發很大,而他在書中也大量引述西藏僧人的生死觀和臨死態度,這些都是他親身見聞過的,令人推想到他的密宗知識是十分充實的。


綜觀《西藏生死書》是一本切合於現代人的書,書中所談都是人人切身的問題。作者又能以個人的見聞和宗教去闡述生死問題,在闡述中又流露出對其他宗教的尊敬,流露出一種廣闊的胸襟。雖然書中偶有一些佛教(尤其密宗)的專有名詞,可能會令讀者茫無頭緒,但也同時具有深一層思索的意義。又書中提到的佛教修持行為,亦可令初聽聞者感到突兀。最終,這些佛事其實是要讓人人知道因凡夫意志薄弱,固此要藉念經、禪坐等形式化行為,讓生命中的「佛界」湧現,產生堅強的意志力和自省力,從而導正自己的言行舉止,所以「學佛」並非逃避現實,也非如歐美某時期的時髦潮流,更非只是精神的慰藉,而是將佛法融入現實生活中去實踐「人間淨土」。如索甲說:「一切都可以成就佛行,佛性就是活在當下, 隨時面對真我,並持續流露靈感泉源。」(頁112) 「佛性就是活在當下」即是將人間知覺化,本書宗旨也在此吧。



Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sogyal Rinpoche

A a world-renowned Buddhist teacher from Tibet, Sogyal Rinpoche is also the author of the highly acclaimedThe Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Born in Kham in Eastern Tibet, Sogyal Rinpoche was recognized at an early age as the incarnation of a great master and visionary saint of the nineteenth century, Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa (1856-1926), a teacher to the thirteenth Dalai Lama. He received the traditional training of a Tibetan lama under the close supervision of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, one of the most outstanding spiritual masters of the twentieth century, who raised Rinpoche like his own son.
He went on to study with many other great masters, of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, especially Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche and Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. In 1971, Rinpoche went to England, where he also studied Comparative Religion at Cambridge University.First as a translator and aide to his revered masters, and then teaching in his own right, Rinpoche traveled to many countries, observing the reality of people’s lives, and searching how to translate the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism so as to make them relevant to modern men and women of all faiths, by drawing out their universal message while losing none of their authenticity, purity and power.
Out of this was born his unique style of teaching, and his ability to attune these teachings to modern life, demonstrated so vividly in his ground-breaking book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.
More than two million copies have been printed in fifty-six countries and in thirty-one languages.Rinpoche is also the founder and spiritual director of Rigpa, an international network of over one hundred and thirty Buddhist centres and groups in forty countries around the world. He has been teaching for over thirty years and continues to travel widely in Europe, America, Australia and Asia.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sclerology Analysis- 12

1)An advanced reticulated stress line designated in the liver reflex zone - liver stress.
2) The bile duct stress line intercept and interact with the liver stress line - possible of deficiency in detoxification system.
Closer view on these 2 stress lines which interact with each other. Further checking of liver function is required. Double Y-fork was formed in the bile duct stress line, and the stress line extended to the gall bladder reflex zone.

Sclerology Analysis- 11

right sclera

1) Advanced critical stress spreading towards to kidney, indicate a tendency of kidney stress.
2) Advanced critical stress with short Y-fork showing a concentrated stress force towards gastrointestinal tract.
3) A sign of encapsulation stress in the lower abdomen areas - potential deficiency in digestion, absoprtion and elimination.
4) An extended critical stress line from the 3) that located in the pancreas area. A tendency of blood sugar imbalance and digestive disturbance.
left sclera
1) Y- fork stress line extends to the spleen reflex area- a tendency of lymphatic congestion.
2) & 3) Pocket stress line- possible of parasite fermentation.
4) Reticulated stress line towards to kidney area.
5) Reticulated stress formed with encapsulated sign ( black dot ) - indicate a disturbance in elimination system.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sclerology Analysis-10

right sclera

1) Pituitary/ Pineal stress - Potential of emotional stress, headache and sleep disorder.
2) Nerve Fray stress- Possible experiencing of headache, nerve depletion.
3) Digestion disturbance possible caused by emotional stress.

left sclera
1) Nerve stress line as reflected the same in the right sclera.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sclerology Analysis-9

right sclera
1) An advanced stress toward to pancreas reflex zone.
2) Concentrated stress ( Y-fork) with black dot, indicate a high stress or blockages in the pancreas reflexive area. Suggestion of checking blood sugar level and possible deficiency in digestive enzyme.
3) Various encapsulation stress in the colon zone, indicate a potential of parasite involvement. Further confirmation of conducting the Foot Glyphology is required.

left sclera
1) An advanced stress / reticulated stress line spreading to uterus zone.
2a), 2b) 2 Y-fork stress lines spreading from the colon, potential of digestion problem.
3) Pocket stress indicate a pontential of bacterial or parasite infection.
4) Y stress spreading towards bladder or ( coccyx area- analyzing pupil tonus is required. )

Monday, December 14, 2009

Iridology Analysis-27

Left iris - The pupil slanted with left side can inidcate ( according by John Andrews) :
1) history of left sided paralysis.
2) primary hypertension.
3) left sided cranial problems- headaches.
4) Hemiplegic migraines.

Iridology Analysis-26

Left iris
A closed lacuna located in the Thymus reflex zone, indicate a potential deficiency of the immune system, possible tumour growth in the gland or a general diminished T-cell count.

Iridology Analysis-25

1) Radial Furrow located in the brain zone, indicate possible of headache and emotional stress.
2) Cholesterol ring.
3) Stress ring.
4) Small lacunae/ crypys - possible of lung stress, bronchioles problem.
5) Possible of kidney stress.

1) Skin disorder or allergic problem.
2)Crypt located in the lung reflex zone.
3) Stress rings - highly self-motivated, tension and stress.
4) Cholesterol ring.
5) Lacunae with loose fiber structure in the kidney zone, indicate possible of kidney problem.
6) Deep lacuna located in the bronchus reflex area.
7) Brown pigment, indicate liver stress.

Foot Glyphology Analysis- 42

1) Pinholes in the skin are linked with a type of an advanced fungal involvement in the reflective zone, and may posibble be an indicator of a terrain that is susceptible to an abnormal tissue profliferations.
2) Parallel lines indicates an excessive bacterial involvement throughout the GI-Tract.

Closer view on pinholes spread along the pancreas, spleen, stomach and colon reflex areas. Indiactes a severe problem in digestion, absoprtion and assimilation.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Osho Quotes on Life

It is very simple: pain is there because pleasure is there. Pleasure cannot exist without pain. If you want a life absolutely painless, then you will have to live a life absolutely pleasureless. They come together in one package. They are not two things really; they are one thing — not different, not separate, and cannot be separated.