Thursday, October 01, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 8

right iris
a) Honeycomb lacuna or worm nests look like webbing. Honeycomb lacunae can be found anywhere and they are topostabile in the organ where found. As the above right iris, the honeycomb lacunae can be found in the respiratory, gastro-intestinal and sinus zone. it indicates of parasites and bacterial infestation.
b1) A broken stress ring located in the Lung reflex zone, indicate a deficiency in respiratory.
b2) another broken stress ring located in the Bronchus area.
c) A thick uneven round collarette indicates an indigestion problem.

Honeycomb Lacunae
left iris
1) Small crypts in Adrenal reflex zone - stress indicator.
2) A whitish lacuna locates inside the collarette indicates an irritation and inflammation in the GI-Tract.
3) Small lacuna located in the uterus/prostate reflex zone.
3) Whitish lacuna located in the Pancreas area- Check blood sugar !
4) Small deep lacuna located in the Heart area- Blood circulation problem.

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