Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sclerology Analysis- Jan/09-1

Right Sclera - Colon :
- 4 blocks of Encapsulation stress surrounding the elimination system reflex zone, indicates parasites, fungus, bacterials or candida involvement in the gastro-instestinal system
- Indigestion, flatulence, winds and gases
- An advanced stress towards to pancrease indicates imbalance of secreting digestive enzyme
Left Sclera- Colon and Spleen :
- Left side colon reflex zone also indicates pocket stress and extended towards to spleen area
- Spleen stress indicates low in immune system and possible high toxidicity in the body system
- Low resistance to viruses invaded

Left Sclera - Liver
- An articulated stress line in the liver reflex one, indicates problem in toxification and possible high in blood cholestrol
- Another pocket stress line also shown in the liver area

An advanced stress line was located in the low cervical area, indicate a pain in that area (backache)

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