Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Iridology Analysis- Jan/09-4

Right Iris :
- Polyglandula Constitution.
- Loose fiber density.
- Low resiliency, low resistance to illness and virus invasion.
- Sodium Ring- High cholesterol.
- High food consumption, gain low energy.
- Lacunae found in :
1) Liver and gall bladder, indicates low in detoxification system and possible fatty liver.
2) Lung and Bronchioles indicates low function in breathing exercise, possible asthma or smoking addicted.
3) Hip , knee and foot, indicates "pain", possible high acidity in body system
4) Spinal stress in the area of lumbar and sacrum.

Left Iris:
- Arcus Sinulus - High lipid content.
- Brown pigmentation, indicates liver stress
- Kidney stress.
- Knee and hip stress.
- Lung stress.
- Heart - Blood circulation problem.

Recommendation :
- Check Uric acid level
- Scan Liver & Gall Bladder
- Check Liver & Gall Bladder function - HDL, LDL, Tri
- Check Total Cholesterol
- Lung function test
- Check Calcium content- osteoporosis test
- Check Thyroid function

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